Just a few scripts for pocket calculators.
Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math
Multiprecision calculator
Arbitrary-precision CRC calculator and algorithm finder
Python Calculator on Number Theory, three-birds-one learning material
Calc: arbitrary precision C-like arithmetic & calculator
Program that can solve any equation for real root/s
Didactic application to aid students in learning Numerical Methods;
Programmable graphical scientific calculator
An HP RPN calculator with interval output
Command-line calculator and libray.
A scientific calculator written in Python
A graphing calculator that's both powerful and easy to use.
Simple Java computer algebra calculator
PeCalc is a polyvalent engineering calculator for S&T students
A Gem Stone weight estimator/calculator for mounted gemstones in items
A simple Clifford algebra calculator
Evaluate math expressions from command line or in interactive session.
My own project
Portable bundle for Windows
Simple RPN desktop calculator, implemented with wxWidgets and Lua.
A calculator for solving problems using Constraint Logic Programming.
Mathematical expression parser and evaluator for .NET
Lightweight Qt-based Python console with variable explorer and history