Showing 44 open source projects for "there is no way to"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 1
    GIT quick statistics

    GIT quick statistics

    An efficient way to access various statistics in git repository

    git-quick-stats is a simple and efficient way to access various statistics in a git repository. Any git repository may contain tons of information about commits, contributors, and files. Extracting this information is not always trivial, mostly because there are a gadzillion options to a gadzillion git commands. For those who prefer to utilize command-line options, git-quick-stats also has a non-interactive mode supporting both short and long options. You can change to the legacy color scheme...
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  • 2
    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

    Precision Trigonometry: Advanced Calculator for Complex Math

    Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is equipped with a user-friendly interface that allows for easy input of problems and instant computation. Professionals such as engineers who need to perform advanced trigonometric calculations in their work will find this tool extremely useful. More info by clicking below: Advanced Trigonometry Calculator was only and always only developed by the Portuguese Renato Alexandre dos Santos Freitas. Also author of...
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  • 3

    Clifford Multivector Toolbox

    A toolbox for computing with Clifford algebras in MATLAB

    This is a toolbox (software library) for computing with matrices of Clifford algebra multivectors in MATLAB. It is designed to handle numerical computations with matrices as far as these are defined for matrices of multivectors. The toolbox is designed to work in the same way as MATLAB's own functions by overloading standard MATLAB functions with Clifford multivector versions. The toolbox can compute with any Clifford algebra with signature (p,q,r) but only with one algebra at a time. From...
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  • 4
    Statistics101 - Resampling Statistics

    Statistics101 - Resampling Statistics

    Use simulation to perform statistical analyses.

    Statistics101 is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that uses a simple, powerful language called “Resampling Stats” to develop Monte Carlo programs to analyze and solve statistical problems. The original Resampling Stats language and computer program were developed by Dr. Julian Simon and Peter Bruce as a new way to teach Statistics to social science students. Of course, social science students aren't the only ones who can benefit. Anyone who wants to learn statistics will find...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 5


    Application for calculating the real roots of a polynomial

    Application for polynomial roots calculation. The application does the job by supposing the roots of the derivative function are known. This way, we can delimit the range where each possible root is in, and by applying Bolzano's theorem, we can find the zeroes. It is not a very eficient way, as we must calculate al the derivatives of the polinomial, implying very high numbers (n!), that make the needed precision increase, making the computational complexity for high-degree polinomials...
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  • 6


    An algebra editor

    A text editor for maths. Simple algebra should be faster and more intuitive to perform on a computer than on paper and should look like maths. Write small fragments in plain text; perform simple click-and-drag algebra with the mouse; and explore more involved algebra through keyboard shortcuts. When done, save as plain text files or export to LaTeX and HTML.
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  • 7
    The Simplest Manual Counter

    The Simplest Manual Counter

    Manual counter with the keyboard or the mouse on images

    The only open source counter to count any items the simplest and easiest way with the keyboard, or the mouse specifically on images. After associating a key to each item, or a predefined graphical symbol for images, pressing the key or clicking on the image increments its associated counter, and displays (for the images) the symbol at the mouse's pointer location. Such a project is so simple a child could use it!
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  • 8


    Automated integer factorization

    Check yafu on github for the latest code. YAFU (with assistance from other free software) uses the most powerful modern algorithms (and implementations of them) to factor input integers in a completely automated way. The automation within YAFU is state-of-the-art, combining factorization algorithms in an intelligent and adaptive methodology that minimizes the time to find the factors of arbitrary input integers. Most algorithm implementations are multi-threaded, allowing YAFU to fully...
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  • 9
    Archive of Formal Proofs

    Archive of Formal Proofs

    A collection of machine-checkend mathematical proofs

    The Archive of Formal Proofs is a collection of proof libraries, examples, and larger scientifc developments, mechanically checked in the theorem prover Isabelle. It is organized in the way of a scientific journal. Submissions are refereed.
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  • The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform Icon
    The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform

    Powering publishers, brands, and sports teams with 30+ interactive content types. Maximize engagement and revenue with Riddle.

    Riddle is an online platform for creating interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, personality tests, prediction games, and leaderboards. Our customers create content on our platform and then embed it on their website. The goal? Increased engagement, lead generation, segmentation, and content monetization - all 100% GDPR compliant.
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  • 10


    Open Source Web Based LIMS for analytical laboratory

    FreeLAB provide inovative way how to get samples, equipment and analytical results data automatically from analytical instruments such as chromatography, spectroscopy or other labroatory equipment. FreeLAB is a web based application based on CMS Drupal and project Open Atrium. FreeLAB natively supports Agilent Technologies instrumentation controled by OpenLAB CDS and MassHunter GCMS software. Via automatic parser is possible to periodically import any xml, txt, csv formats into FreeLAB...
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  • 11

    FB Chart Designer

    Create multi-degree polynominals charts. Designed in FbEdit & WinAPI.

    This program allows to draw diagrams with chart library, that can be used with dialog applications, based on the RC files designers (such as FbEdit for example). This is the one of the fastest way to create window application with visual design methods, and implement into it an ellegant and flexible chart, that can be choosen from four different diagram kinds (if you edit code and use it in your projects). The source code chart library by Lothar Schirm is based on the consolidated solutions...
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  • 12
    fcGENE: Genotype  format converter

    fcGENE: Genotype format converter

    Format converting tool for genotype Data (e.g.PLINK-MACH,MACH-PLINK)

    Main application is twofold: first to convert genotype SNP data into formats of different imputation tools like PLINK MACH, IMPUTE, BEAGLE and BIMBBAM, second to transform imputed data into different file formats like PLINK, HAPLOVIEW, EIGENSOFT and SNPTEST. Readable file formats: plink-pedigree (ped and map), plink-raw, plink-dosage, mach , minimac, impute, snptest, beagle and bimbam. Similarly all kinds of imputation of outputs are also accepted. Formats which can be generated by...
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  • 13


    Calculate primes by using extremely fast sorting

    This project considers the problem of calculating primes as a sorting problem. It includes the most efficient tree-based sorting algorithm that is possible and shows that finding a new prime can be done by sorting the differences between the previous primes in the right way. Unfortunately it has turned out that going this way is even more slowly than trying to find primes by brute force. So it can only be used as a test with heavy load for the sorting algorithm, which can be used for sorting...
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  • 14


    Equation of stock trading simplified to game of moving resizing balls

    The econ theory is the value of buy and sell are usually equal, at whatever free market price at the time, so if we trade between 2 things, holding the total of those 2 equal eachother, then you can buy without anyone selling, or sell without anyone buying. Just change from one equal valued type to the other, and the total of all the A's and all the B's are scaled instantly to be the same amounts. Those who change to the majority side lose, and those who change to the minority side win,...
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  • 15

    Machinist Math Kit

    Set of tools that help CNC machinists

    A set of tools/calculators that help CNC machinists quickly handle math associated with machine technology. Will incorporate more calculators when they are ready the final product will probably be a single combined application. Currently available is a Mill Rate calculator that is recursive, meaning it changes the corresponding values as you manipulate the data. In the works is a Can Cycle calculator that functions the same way.
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  • 16


    Log-linear analysis (data modelling) for high-dimensional data

    ===== Project moved to ===== Log-linear analysis is the statistical method used to capture multi-way relationships between variables. However, due to its exponential nature, previous approaches did not allow scale-up to more than a dozen variables. We present here Chordalysis, a log-linear analysis method for big data. Chordalysis exploits recent discoveries in graph theory by representing complex models as compositions of triangular structures...
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  • 17

    Visual Integer Factor

    Puzzle game demonstrating whats so hard about binary integer factoring

    VisualIntFactor will be an interactive educational and scientific tool demonstrating multiply, factor, conversion between unary counting and binary integers, all in the same grid of hexagons. This grid is based on pascals triangle, which is a 1d cellular automata that calculates (X choose Y) factorials by each cell being the sum of the 2 cells upleft and upright. Draw a binary integer from a cell going upright, then explore the allowed transforms which may lead you to a factored state in 2...
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  • 18


    Taylor series Integrator for Differential Equations

    Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS. This software is developed by Profs. A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa and M. Rodriguez, (GME, University of Zaragoza, Spain). It consists on a C (Fortran) library, libTIDES, and a Mathematica package, MathTIDES. (MathTIDES requires Mathematica version >= 7.0) . Basic references: * A. Abad, R. Barrio, F. Blesa, M. Rodriguez, 2012. Algorithm 924: TIDES, a Taylor series Integrator for Differential EquationS, ACM TOMS. 39, no. 1, art. 5....
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  • 19

    Space Orbits Manipulator

    Mathematica package to handle Keplerian and perturbed orbits

    Orbits is a Mathematica package to handle Keplerian and perturbed orbits in an easy and flexible way. It has been created to use in an educational environment.
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  • 20

    JSci - A science API for Java

    A science API for Java

    JSci is a set of open source Java packages. The aim is to encapsulate scientific methods/principles in the most natural way possible. As such they should greatly aid the development of scientific based software.
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  • 21
    x2x (xbit2xbyte\xbyte2xbit)

    x2x (xbit2xbyte\xbyte2xbit)

    Converts xbits to xbytes, and back again if needed.

    ..., etc.), and the sister program can be used to convert the opposite way.
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  • 22


    A pseudo-graphical calculator for FreeDOS (or any other DOS)

    FoxCalc is a calculator with a text user interface (TUI), compiled for DOS. It supports a mouse, and uses the GMP library, therefore its results are highly accurate. FoxCalc is distributed as a zip FreeDOS package. That way, it can be easily installed using the FreeDOS package manager.
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  • 23


    Matrix c++ library solving any linear algebra problems

    HASEM is a c++ template library, it can be easily configure as a expression template. HASEM solves any linear equation of any kind, it might be homogenous/none homogenous, compute the inverse of square/none square matrices, find LU decomposition, find determinant and rank of matrices, calculate the characteristic polynomial of matrices, find the eigenvalues and eigen vectors and so on. HASEM uses many methods, therefore, you are not limited to just one method, you have the choice to define...
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  • 24
    Educative desktop application that it's main goal is develop any kind of mathematical operation in an easy and quick way. It's focus to users that don't have programming knowledge.
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    An easy way to integrate any function. Uses sympy as a backend. Currently text-mode only, but the goal is to create a very nice, simple, graphical interface using wxPython or PyGTK.
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