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This generator can generates buddhabrot fractal, mandelbrot fractals and inverse bb fractals, as per Melinda Green's method. It's reasonably fast, and has a few options. The name “buddhabrot” stems from a remarkable resemblance to sitting Buddha.
BuddyScout is an interface between BuDDy (Binary Decision Diagram library) and GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler). It enables you to use the BDD library from within Haskell programs.
Calculates how much time and money you need to win in the lottery. It uses multiple gthreads and gtk2 to sort 1 to 50 numbers until the user wins. Asking for the cost and time beetwin games, it calculates if you or your grandchildren will be rich.
BNS - Burris Numerical System was written to store the last digit of a number in 3 dimensional space but store the rest of the number mathematically in the 4th dimension of space. The result is that no matter how long the number is you can write it down on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket. The software can be used to retrieve the number. This can be used to save computer files. The only limit with BNS is how much time the user has. The software nor the numerical system has no limits.
The book on BNS is here https://www.createspace.com/4404221
The inventors websight is here: http://timetravelinstitute.biz
Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.
Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
This is a set of business math tools. The intended users are American business students. Some features include interest calculations, mortgage payment calculations, markup and markdown calculations and others.
That project aims at providing a clean API and a simple implementation, as a C++ library, of an Airline-related Inventory Management system. That library uses the Standard Airline IT C++ object model (http://sf.net/projects/stdair).
That project aims at studying and comparing typical airline IT methods, for instance RM-related algorithms. It works from a Unix/Linux/Mac command-line, and exposes basic APIs. It is being developed in C++, with Python wrappers for some components.
Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.
Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
The CVR-Lib (Computer Vision and Robotics Library) is a C++ object oriented library for computer vision. It provides lots of functionality to solve mathematical problems, many image processing and analysis algorithms, classification tools, and much more.
C++ Graph is a port of the Annas.Graph Java Library to C++. Visual components are excluded from this port. Will support Breadth First and Depth First Searches, Djikstra Algorithm for shortest path.
Kohonen neural network library is a set of classes and functions for design, train and use Kohonen network (self organizing map) which is one of AI algorithms and useful tool for data mining and discovery knowledge in data (http://knnl.sf.net).
C++ template headers for linear algebra manipulations. These are designed for ease of use in writing human readable code. Follows a similar syntax to MATLAB.
A C++ Matrix/Vector Class supporting real & complex data for nearly all matrix algebra calculations. Optimized for double & std::complex<double>. Small and large matrices. Easy to use & get started. Plotting, fast inversion, FFT/IFFT, statistics, & more
This is a library of classes and functions to be used to abstract arbitrarily large integer and floating-point numbers in C++.
All standard operators are overloaded so the user is able to substitute "mpi" for "int" and "mpf" for "double" to use.
That project (RMOL) aims at giving developers concerned by the Revenue Management arena a library delivering a reference implementation for most of the published algorithms and methods.
That library is intended to be used in simulated environment: it does not intend to be used in real world production systems.
That project aims at providing a clean API and a simple implementation, as a C++ library, of a Travel-oriented fare engine. It corresponds to the simulated version of the real-world Fare Quote System.
That project aims at providing a clean API and a simple implementation, as a C++ library, of a Travel-oriented Distribution System. It corresponds to the simulated version of the real-world Computerized Reservation Systems (CRS).
A random collection of c++ tidbits.
I write some code as I go along. Maybe this is useful to anyone. Maybe I will turn some of it into a library at some point.
But not now.
"tdsp" is a C++ based framework for the simulation and evaluation of various signal processing aspects. It is completly written in C++ and is based on "root" framework (http://root.cern.ch). TDSP includes C++-classes which extents the root-class-f
C++ template matrix library primarily designed to work with the GNU gmp library to perform matrix operations on numbers of arbitrary precision. Works with rational numbers, and floats. Computes: Inverse, LDU factorization, Row echelon reduction, and more
A matrix (and vector) container class library for C++. The library is designed for ease of use and speed. The following is provided: simple I/O; remove/replace/insert; search/find; simple stats, common operator overloads.
C++SPCIP is a IPOPT like C++ Interface for the Optimizer SCPIP written by Ch. Zillober. SCPIP implements the Method of Moving Asymptotes in FORTRAN and is not provided with C++SCPIP. Please use the Wiki as main page!