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A C++ implementation of Dynamic Field Theory (DFT), Amari kind of space-time continuous fields representing activation of populations in neural cortex. Source code for the GUI is available through SVN.
With this application, it's possible create a list of squared numbers without any multiplication made by you or by the application! This application use a succession, the application give to you square numbers between 1 and 46341 without any problem
A GUI program written in Perl and utilizing Tk that is meant to solve equations commonly found in math and science. Current equation set is based upon High School Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry, and Chemistry with more to come.
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PrechacThis is a web-based siteswap generator for jugglers. It finds all symmetric passing patterns fulfilling given constraints like period-length and maximum height of throws.
Simple calculator with easy-to-use for some users. Basic ideas for easy and quick using: 1. functions only on button for quick 2. input values from keyboard 3. user not need reading help for use of SimpleCalc
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HcryptoJ (Historical cryptology in Java) is a Java based programming library for implementing and analyzing historical ciphers. HcryptoJ is designed to support research and teaching in historical cryptography and computer science. Licensed under GPL.
The MathExt library was made to parse and calculate formulas of any complexity. It can easily be integrated into web applications. As developer you can set all kind of settings. You can even specify what commands should be available to the user.
Java ILP is a simple java interface to (mixed) integer linear programming solvers such as lp_solve, Glpk, Gurobi, SAT4J (0-1 ILP), MiniSat+(0-1 ILP), CPLEX, or Mosek. (documentation at http://javailp.sourceforge.net/)
MASyV (Multi-Agent System Visualization) enables one to write agent-based models/cellular automata, eg. in C, visualize them in real time & capture to movie file with MASyVs GUI & message passing lib. Includes examples: Hello World, ants, viral infection
SURIKATA (Syntactic Universal Reasoning for Inducing Kolmogorov Abstract Theories Automatically) is a system for searching large spaces of artifacts and inducing algorithms for generating similar artifacts.
The aim of this project is to produce a software that will content two modules :
- the first one will allow to conduct simulations of social behavior,
- the second one will be able to produce philosophical considerations.
The version version will be i
LaptopCalc was made thinking in a way to use a calculator in a laptop without a numpack It uses keys like “J” to type “1”, “k” for “2” and so on. But is also great for all uses, try it and you will want to replace the default calc
Mathlete is a easy but powerful mathematical tool in which you can calculate algebraic functions, with variable support. You can use it for converting different measurements within the areas: Temperature, Weight and Height. It also comes with a built