Showing 720 open source projects for "drcom-for-linux"

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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
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  • 1
    Talend Spatial Module (aka Spatial Data Integrator or SDI) is an ETL tool for geospatial. Based on Talend Open Studio, input, output and transform geocomponents are available. IO components read/write GIS formats(eg.PostGIS, GeoRSS). Transformers all
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  • 2
    Spatial plugins for Dokuwiki
    A collection of Dokuwiki plugins that will enable the user to spatially enable and use the wiki, currently we have: openlayersmap (a map), geotag (ways of geotagging a page)
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  • 3
    Modular, touch screen friendly navigation system with GPS tracking, realtime routing engine and support for various vector map formats. Works on a wide range of devices, from computers to smartphones.
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  • 4
    GPSdings (project name GPStools) is a set of free applications that let you manipulate and analyse GPS data from the command line.
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 5


    Interactive visualization of plate tectonics.

    GPlates is a plate-tectonics program. Manipulate reconstructions of geological and paleo-geographic features through geological time. Interactively visualize vector, raster and volume data. PyGPlates is the GPlates Python library. Get fine-grained access to GPlates functionality in your Python scripts.
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  • 6
    OzGIS free open-source  mapping system

    OzGIS free open-source mapping system

    Analysis and display of Census, business, government attribute data

    OzGIS is an extensive mapping system for the analysis and display of geographically referenced data. Map data are downloaded from Census bureaux and map agencies or extracted from your own databases. The system can be used to to support management decisions associated with, for example, government planning, marketing, sales, site and personnel location, advertising and research. Systems for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu, source code, sample data files and manuals are included. DOWNLOAD to...
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  • 7


    Workflow and set of tools for Automated Imagery Classification

    AICtools is a GIS workflow and set of tools to facilitate Automated Imagery Classification (AIC) and analysis of surface features over time. Allows bulk processing of large data sets, including automated metadata processing/filtering, compressed archive extraction and file manipulation, raster band compositing, pre-processing, mosaicking, clipping. Automates a subset of operations involved in classification of satellite imagery and the associated raster calculations used for time trend analysis.
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  • 8


    Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console

    .... Compatible with most Linux and OSX terminals. Highly optimized algorithms for a smooth experience. 100% pure JavaScript! Arrows up, down, left, right to scroll around. Press a or z to zoom in and out. Press c to switch to block character mode, and press q to quit. If your terminal supports mouse events you can drag the map and use your scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
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  • 9


    Spectral Data - binary builds for Windows 10

    Small Qt based experimental program for processing spectral data. Example data are available from Files/example-data folder.
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  • Sales CRM and Pipeline Management Software | Pipedrive Icon
    Sales CRM and Pipeline Management Software | Pipedrive

    The easy and effective CRM for closing deals

    Pipedrive’s simple interface empowers salespeople to streamline workflows and unite sales tasks in one workspace. Unlock instant sales insights with Pipedrive’s visual sales pipeline and fine-tune your strategy with robust reporting features and a personalized AI Sales Assistant.
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  • 10


    eGPXviewer is a 3D GPX track viewer

    .../applications. It is human readable text file written in XML. Read more about the GPX exchange file format here eGPXviewer is currently available for Win10 and Linux (Ubuntu/Mint, CentOS, OpenSUSE, Raspbian) operating systems. ™ Registered trademarks for the respective owners.
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  • 11
    myGPS Arduino Nano DIY

    myGPS Arduino Nano DIY

    Build your own GPS unit

    To develop an Arduino Nano based GPS module that is low cost, portable and can be used in Astronomy. (c) Copyright Robert Brown 2014-2024. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for personal and Academic use only. Code or portions of code may not be copied or used without appropriate credit given to author.
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  • 12


    A view abstraction to provide a map user interface

    AirMapView is a view abstraction that enables interactive maps for devices with and without Google Play Services. It is built to support multiple native map providers including Google Maps V2 and soon Amazon Maps V2. If a device does not have any supported native map provider, AirMapView will fallback to a web-based map provider (currently Google Maps). Easy to integrate, it is a drop-in replacement for the Google Maps V2 package. AirMapView's original author is Nick Adams. With AirMapView,...
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  • 13


    Java Library for working with gpx files

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  • 14
    ARKit CoreLocation

    ARKit CoreLocation

    Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data

    Uses camera and motion data to map out the local world as you move around. Uses wifi and GPS data to determine your global location, with a low degree of accuracy. Combines the high accuracy of AR with the scale of GPS data. The potential for combining these technologies is huge, with so many potential applications across many different areas.
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  • 15
    Open Location Code

    Open Location Code

    A library to generate short codes

    Plus Codes are like street addresses for people or places that don’t have one. Instead of addresses with street names and numbers, Plus Codes are based on latitude and longitude and displayed as numbers and letters. With a Plus Code, people can receive deliveries, access emergency and social services, or just help other people find them. Plus Codes technology is open source and free to create and use. They are much shorter than traditional global coordinates, so they’re easy to share. Plus...
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  • 16


    Analyze agronomic plant research plots in aerial orthomosaic images.

    A graphical user interface to import, analyze and export plots from orthomosaic images of agronomic trials. Please cite the following reference in your work if you use Phenalysis: Khan Z and Miklavcic SJ (2019) An Automatic Field Plot Extraction Method From Aerial Orthomosaic Images. Front. Plant Sci. 10:683. doi: This tool is being developed through the sponsorship of the Australian Research Council's Industrial Transformation Research Hub on...
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  • 17
    React CSS Modules

    React CSS Modules

    Seamless mapping of class names to CSS modules

    React CSS Modules implement automatic mapping of CSS modules. Every CSS class is assigned a local-scoped identifier with a globally unique name. CSS Modules enable modular and reusable CSS! CSS Modules are awesome. If you are not familiar with CSS Modules, it is a concept of using a module bundler such as webpack to load CSS scoped to a particular document. CSS module loader will generate a unique name for each CSS class at the time of loading the CSS document (Interoperable CSS to be...
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  • 18
    geoStarsLib  - geodetic library

    geoStarsLib - geodetic library

    Geodesy based library (geodetic and geocentric functions)

    geoStarsLib has functions for dealing with many geodesy-based problems found in positioning, pointing, and surveying situations. It is useful to determine absolute position on the earth, pointing vectors, coordinate transformations, and other functions.
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  • 19


    Geostatistics and geosciences modeling software

    GEOMS2 is a geostatistics and geosciences modeling software. Provides interface for grid (mesh), point, surface and data (non-spatial) objects. It has a 3D viewer and 2D plots using the well known Python engines Mayavi and Matplotlib. It has several functions to manipulate your data as well as provide univariate and multivariate analysis. NOTE: The software is still an early beta. Please tell us if you found a bug. Download datasets for students of Geostatistics 2017 (Petroleum...
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  • 20


    A software gps simulator

    A software gps simulator, providing TCP/IP, UDP, http and serial port connectivity in NMEA 0183, XML or user defined output format. Usable for testing all kinds of GPS applications. Can playback pre-recorded GPS files with NMEA output.
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  • 21


    Agregar Bing Maps facilmente a tu projecto web

    Usar Bing Maps en su proyecto web puede ser mmas facil con esta libreria. Solo necesitas tener tu Api Key de Microssft y ya tendras las principales funcionalidades de Bing Maps en tu web. Con esta libreria veras que fail es el poder incluir mapas en tus proyectos, buscar direcciones, o trazar rutas. Ademas tambien soporta geo localizaci'on, para saber desde donde conecta el usuario. Mas informacion en
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  • 22


    Korean Spatial DBMS Driver

    The Development of Domestic Spatial DBMS Driver supporting java based Open Source GIS(GeoServer, uDig) ● Manual: - ● DataStore plugins: - Altibase Plugin( ) - Tibero Plugin( ) - Kairos Plugin(...
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  • 23
    Spatial Viewer for Oracle SQL Developer
    The purpose of GeoRaptor project is to extend Oracle SQL Developer with additional functionality for database administrators or developers working with Oracle Spatial data. Dear Users, A port to version 4.x of SQL Developer is being attempted. It is not simple due to the lack of development resources. Please keep using GeoRaptor with SQL Developer 3.x until the new version is available. Thanks. Simon Greener
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  • 24


    A reference implementation of the Polish geobotanical grid

    This project is a reference, open source implementation of the coordinate conversion algorithms for the Polish geobotanical grid called ATPOL.
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  • 25


    View your WKT geometries

    Small and powerful! Write one or several WKT geometries on the text box, and visualize them in a click. Alternatively, draw the geometries in the drawing panel and you will have the WKT in the text box. You can also write your geometry readers and import your geometries in any format.
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