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Nomin is a mapping engine for the Java platform. It provides abilities to transform object trees using declarative mapping rules. Main features are no XML configuration, intuitively looking mapping, using arbitrary expressions/method invocations.
GeoMondrian is a "spatially-enabled" version of Mondrian. GeoMondrian brings to the Mondrian OLAP server what PostGIS brings to the PostgreSQL DBMS, i.e. a consistent and powerful support for geospatial data. It also provides geo-extensions to MDX.
OWSLib is a Python package for client programming with Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web service (hence OWS) interface standards, and their related content models.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
A program for cropping GPX track files. The GUI plots the GPX track (latitude vs longitude) and lets the user remove GPS points from the beginning and end of the track respectively. There is also a built-in Command Line Interface.
Note: No development anymore since I found out that GpsPrune does all the things I was looking for.
A fast, simple Java library for calculating Voronoi lines given an array of input coordinates. It does not feature code to display the results graphically.
Pace & Place is an application for managing and visualizing GPS data and sports training data. It empowers the user to track training events and combine them with geographic data. Map, waypoint, track visualizations and geo-referencing of photos.
This app be used by victims in disaster to upload their position with a GPS enabled device so that rescue workers may find them accurately on a map. This works on Android, iPhone, Nokia, Windows Mobile, Palm OS & Blackberry. I made this for RHoK #3.
Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.
Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.
OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
Expire permet de saisir et d'exporter une fiche de métadonnées selon la norme ISO 19139, ISO19115 et ISO19110 conformément à la directive européenne INSPIRE. L'application génère un XML que l'on peut ensuite importer directement dans GeoSou
A project to create of open source routing engine for navigation and possibly other graph analysis. Our goal is to build a commercial grade routing engine capable of find routes through 25-30 million node networks in 1 second ball park times.
Para desarrollar un Banco de Tiempo (BdT) en Español online, tan seguro y facil de usar, pero mas serio y auto-sostenible que el que habia en Necesitamos idealistas pensadores y probadores que nos guien con sus observaciones u opiniones.
Liegkat-Archiv delivers ALK converters for spatial data formats (EDBS, BGRUND, SQD, DFK, HK) and coordinate systems used in German cadastral agencies before ALKIS into KML and JML. It delivers Python packages and XSL files.
!!! Project servers were closed in the beginning of 2012 because the project was not actual anymore (massivity using Android and iOS devices instead of "simple" mobile phones). But source codes are always available as usual !!!
A simple mobile j2me/web application that provides positioning of mobile devices connected to GSM/UMTS network or via GPS and lets you share location info by SMS or email. This project also contains GeoSignature Server j2ee application.
QGis Python Plugin to create named map themes to switch the visibility of all layers belonging to theme.
Experimental working prototype with functionality to include in future version of QGIS.
The application for tracking a mobile devices, similar to google mobile maps but enhanced about many additional new features including a web service where
a user will be able to track registered mobile devices from a web browser.
RGP: Red General de Posicionamiento (Project Number P022-06/E16 - Junta de Andalucía) -- General Network Positioning based on open software and hardware. This project is the development and test of the standard IEC-60870-5 application layer protocol
Geomajas is a web mapping GIS software with full vectorial editing capabilities, and support for custom attribute relation models in the browser. It has built-in support for any type of query, selection, filtering, snapping, printing, ...
This project is attempting to create an maintain a public implementation of the Active Record pattern, to be used with ESRI products, coded using ArcObjects and C# 3.5.