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A GUI for the freeware Geographical Information System PCRaster
A GUI for the freeware Geographical Information System PCRaster. This is an independent development.
It uses the conda installation of PCRaster and can also use GDAL.
Mapedit has been completely renewed.
The GIT repository is available linked to PCRaster and available here:
Mapedit code :
NutShell code:
The code is currently compiled for windows systems but is tested...
The remote sensing and GIS library is a set of C++ libraries and commands for the processing of spatial data (raster, vector and point cloud). Functionality is available through an XML interface, ideal for batch processing. Code is has been moved to
A library of tools and API (C++ and Python) for the storage and processing of large 3D laser scanning (LiDAR, ALS, TLS) datasets using a pulse based spatially indexed file format (SPD) which support for both discrete return and full waveform datasets. Code has moved to
A cross platform GUI for several code formatter, beautifier and indenter like AStyle, GNU Indent, GreatCode, HTML Tidy, Uncrustify and many more. Main feature is a live preview to directly see how the selected formatting option affects the source code.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
wwwmap is patch codes which adds mapping functions to webkit. This functions are based on the following member submission for W3C. (
Build on top of SPDLib this application provides a 3D points viewer for the visualisation of laser scanning data (e.g., LiDAR and TLS). The GUI is developed using QT and C++ and has been provided/tested for Mac OS X but can be complied on others. Code has been moved to
cGPSmapper open version. Hope to create rewritten version basing on a actual, old code of cGPSmapper. Create GARMIN compatible maps, use MP data to create IMG file. I am looking for developers which want to participate!
Rage stands for Really Amateurish Graphics Engine. It is designed for use with multiple rendering windows such as in a Win32 MDI application. Inspired by OGRE, RAGE shares some semantics, although uses none of the code. Will help OGRE experienced users.
An easy and light carrier phase differential gps code that takes integrated carrier phase measurements from a ground station and a receiver and returns 2-5cm accuracy on relative positioning.
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NOTE: Use Fltk_Contour insted this code! FMesh is a simply scientific data visualization tool based on OpenGL. FMesh can generate 2D and 3D graph of contour and color maps for any (x,y,z) scattered data set, many other options are included.