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The JTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium.
MorphoLim has been moved to sourcesup (https://sourcesup.renater.fr/morpholim/).
MorphoLim is dedicated to the identification of the morphological boundary of urban agglomerations. The method used avoids the need for any pre-defined maximum distance threshold between buildings. It is based on the conceptual and methodological tools of fractal geometry.
Authors of the application: Cécile Tannier, Gilles Vuidel, and Pierre Frankhauser (ThéMA, Besançon, France)
Geomajas is a web mapping GIS software with full vectorial editing capabilities, and support for custom attribute relation models in the browser. It has built-in support for any type of query, selection, filtering, snapping, printing, ...
The goal of the OSM2PostGIS project is to develop an OpenStreetMap data processor that can import any amount of .osm XML data into a PostGIS database, and produce evaluated navigation network topologies to support routing.
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This project aims to produce a fast and reliable Java library for converting JTS (Java Topology Suite) Geometry Objects into OGC GML-conformant DOM Elements