Toolbox for geoscientists and geo enthusiasts
Geographic feature extraction and data mining
NMEA libary for java (protocol of GPS devices)
Raster layer editing toolbar for ArcMap 10.x
QNetMap is the library for displaying the map and the objects on it
Track your mobile device or cellphone via internet using OpenGTS/GPRMC
Dendrochronological sample measurement, curation and analysis program
Some pythons plugins to enhance fantasy maps creation with QGis
Geolocation Postcode Algorithm
Sentinels Application Platform (SNAP)
A wildfire decision support system and visualization tool from Emxsys.
Sistema de Control Medioambiental
A software for processing and analyzing time series in Earth Science
Free image and chart digitizer
Software for distance cartogram creation
HistoryLoc is a practical system to track place names over time.