A generic, simple and fast implementation of Deepmind's AlphaZero
Isolate vocals, drums, bass, and other instrumental stems from songs
Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages
2^x Image Super-Resolution
Flash enables you to easily configure and run complex AI recipes
Python scraper based on AI
Interactively analyze ML models to understand their behavior
Data driven modeling and automated discovery of dynamical systems
Trainable models and NN optimization tools
An open source implementation of CLIP
DeepVariant is an analysis pipeline that uses a deep neural networks
Resources for deep learning with satellite & aerial imagery
Hummingbird compiles trained ML models into tensor computation
Lightweight inference library for ONNX files, written in C++
The GPU-powered AI application database
Deep learning library
Library for OCR-related tasks powered by Deep Learning
Streamline your ML workflow
Python library for decision tree visualization & model interpretation
Fast, flexible and easy to use probabilistic modelling in Python
An easy-to-use & supercharged open-source experiment tracker
DoWhy is a Python library for causal inference
Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
Attention mechanism Implementation for Keras
Elyra extends JupyterLab with an AI centric approach