Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB
Next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
A powerful server and network library, including coroutine
A ChatGPT web client that supports multiple users, and databases
Embeddable, replicated and fault tolerant SQL engine
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for SQLite & ORMs
a Disqus alternative
HTTP Session Management for Go
AI-driven database tool and SQL client
A tiny, cross-platform, module based web server for .NET
Psi+ Project — development branch of Psi XMPP client
Database Replication, Filtered Synchronization, and Transformation
Chat Messenger. E-Mail-Client. Websearch. Filetransfer.
Kerberos V for Windows (x86_64)
The browser exploitation framework project
An mqtt client to subscribe to owntracks events
Web based sql tool, developed using client and server side JavaScript
Free, open-source SQL client for Windows and Mac
Database SQL, query tool, using JDBC for Oracle,SQLite,PostgreSQL,etc
High-precision indoor positioning framework, version 3