MX-linux Senpai Respin with LMDE Cinnamon 6
Respin of MX-Linux with LxQt/Openbox in its 32 and 64 bits versions.
Respin of MX-Linux with LXDE/Openbox in its 32 and 64 bits versions.
Respin of MX-Linux with Mate in its 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
ParrotOS for daily use and only with tools for privacy, no hacking.
Respin of MX-AHS-23.2 with ONLY Gnome with the latest AHS Kernel
Senpai Respin MiyoLinux uses JWM window manager with Devuan-5
I have created a personal respin “**CLI**” from the base of MX23.3
Linux Mint LMDE 6 ONLY with Mate in its two versions of 32 and 64 bits
Plymouth for the Senpai MX-Parrot Respin
I have created a personal MX-Linux respin for the Pi with Fluxbox