A faster, leaner email client and fork of Nylas Mail
Linux multi-touch gesture recognizer
An open source E-ink smartwatch
A Swift Package for creating familiar UI Elements and animation
Modular smart mirror platform with a list of installable modules
Component for React
Feels Like Spring.
mpv.snad player is configured mpv player with most useful features.
A fully customizable iOS calendar library
Open Music library dealing with various compositional techniques.
Transformation virtual 3D object using a finger gesture-based system
UI Component. This is a copy swipe-panel app AppleMaps
DCVGAN: Depth Conditional Video Generation, ICIP 2019.
A library to recreate the iOS Apple Music now playing transition
Swift interpolation for gesture-driven animations
A picture worth a 1000 words
iOS Media Capture – features touch-to-record video, slow motion
Allows inclusion of Gesture Interaction via WiiMote in Web-Apps
Unistroke gesture recognizer
A simple, efficient, and accurate gesture recognizer