Batch file to install and run NAM (neural-amp-modeler) easily.
Powerful command-line bookmark manager. Your mini web!
Resize images quickly and easily.
A small project of scrapping data from twitter
Moodle 4.2 + DSpace 7.6 + Koha 23.11 Live ISO based on Ubuntu 22.04.3
Leading free and open-source liveliness check &face recognition system
Video Clips Video Mp4 Converter [Improved.Simplified.Alternative]
GUI for creating LaTeX - Beamer presentations
A GUI aid for designing PySimpleGUI screens.
GUI for training of neural network models for GuitarML Proteus
XML text markup for ancient documents
Command-line calculator for Maidenhead- (QTH-, QRA-) Locators.
DuckDuckGo from the terminal
Python Calculator on Number Theory
Cerberus Content Management System
Radiation Spectrum Method : a modal BPM (Beam Propagation Method)
process a directory of photos into a html album
build a html page with route information