Memory-Leak Detector & Unit-Test Accelerator
An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features
Realtime Monitoring solution for Node.js/Express.js apps
Material web components for Vue.js
Method for CNV detection
Use core genes to assess the coverage and fragmentation of a gene set
Dwifft is a small Swift library
Catberry is an isomorphic framework
Extensible, reliable, modular, PWA ready starter project for Angular
A client for the MikroTik RouterOS API protocol, written in PHP.
ChIP-seq coverage island analysis algorithm for broad histone marks
A metagenome assembler by reducing microbial community
JavaScript library for modern browsers with a jQuery compatible API
The best scaffolding for React development
High performance model framework for iOS/OSX
A Java library for the developer API for
de novo clustering of assembled contigs into two groups
An Illumina clone assembly system using SOAPdenovo and ABySS
Its The Graphicsl User Interface to MySQL, providing wide coverage.
Scalable and accurate targeted gene assembly for large-scale NGS data