Software Bel Sekolah Otomatis
PMI Dynamic Link Libraries
PT Server Emu ( DLL PT Emulator
A bridge between the JForex platform and a spreadsheet (Excel files)
libdvdetect provides fast database lookup for DVDs
Library to help developer
A morhping audio plugin wrapper
A simple C++ socket library used to make socket programming tolerable.
Optical library using TPSA
Windows custom control usable for elevators
Fractal Extreme plugin for Hiato's Mobius Mandelbrot
Fractal Extreme plugin for Simon Snake's 0026b formula
Fractal Extreme Smooth Shaded Mandelbrot Plugin
A unicode ColorPicker plugin for Notepad++.
Patching tool for CCA Hack
Advanced DLL for Hackers and Newbie
niflibs compiled dll
Small, Fast, dBase/FoxPro compatible database library (Cheetah4.dll)
An automatic DLL injector.
C# example of using eZ430 Chronos .Net dll
A python program used for perfect pitch ear training.