The interactive web server
HTTP request and response service, written in Python + Flask
The open source PaaS for Kubernetes.
BinNavi is a binary analysis IDE that allows to inspect, navigate, etc
Firebug Lite Beta for Google Chrome and Opera Browser
A web tool to explore the ASTs generated by various parsers
A data science IDE for Python
MD5 Checksum Tool
win32 port of ios-webkit-debug-proxy
PdfCMYKerLite - inspect and remix CMYK separations of PDF file
A complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert, & stream audio
Open source courseware for Git and GitHub
Ampare Copy Protection is a simple jquery prevent newbies copy content
a script for the analysis of reaction coordinates
x86 Emulation System with CPU, Memory and integrated debugger
A ridiculously simple spaceship shoot 'em up game written in Python
A lqfb delegation analyser. A 3d directed weighted multi graph.
A powerful, versatile tool for offilne spike analysis and sorting
geekwright Lockout Tagout
An Eclipse plugin for running JPA queries
Graphical utility to inspect EBML files (WebM, Matroska), in Java
A generic framework for the generation of game levels.