Laravel Admin Package that includes operations, a media manager, etc.
Laravel with user authentication, registration with email confirmation
Less, the dynamic stylesheet language
Native PHP Wrapper for Telegram BOT API
Plays & manages your music library. Looks beautiful & juicy
WPPConnect is an open source project
Browser extension for reverse image search, available for Chrome
Software Update for Embedded Systems
Create a personalized & professional profile page
OpenDAN is an open source Personal AI OS
Training data (data labeling, annotation, workflow) for all data types
A refreshing programming language for the front-end web
jq for binary formats
A reference client implementation for the playback of MPEG DASH
Keybase Go library, client, service, OS X, iOS, Android, Electron
Create beautiful fullscreen scrolling websites fast and easy
A Git-based CMS for static site generators
The WordPress plugin to integrate LikeCoin
Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media
Rapidly deploy multiple-hasty Docker containers
Self-hosted software controller built using Flutter
Kotlin asynchronous media loading and caching library for Compose
Decentralized video-sharing social media platform
WhatsApp tool for chatbots with advanced features
Comprehensive Markdown plugin built for Django