Showing 1141 open source projects for "for iphone"

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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    Coroutine-based concurrency library for PHP

    Build high-performance, scalable, concurrent TCP, UDP, Unix Socket, HTTP, WebSocket services with PHP and easy to use coroutine, fiber API. Write your next scalable async application server with PHP coroutine and PHP fiber API. Compared with other async programming frameworks or softwares such as Nginx, Tornado, Node.js, Swoole has the built-in PHP coroutine, fiber and async support, multiple threads I/O modules. You can use sync or async, coroutine, fiber API to write the applications or...
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  • 2


    Product analytics platform

    Understand and enhance your customers' journey on your web, mobile or desktop application through Countly. Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile & web analytics platform, with rich push notifications and crash reporting tools. Countly securely processes billions of data points every day from mobile, desktop and web apps to help thousands of companies visualize their data, analyze and use it to grow their business. Countly is made up of two main parts: the server...
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  • 3
    Python Crypto Bot

    Python Crypto Bot

    Python Crypto Bot (PyCryptoBot)

    Python Crypto Bot (PyCryptoBot).
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  • 4


    A cross-platform, portable, linkable Git implementation library

    libgit2 is a portable, pure C implementation of the Git core methods provided as a re-entrant linkable library with a solid API, allowing you to write native speed custom Git applications in any language which supports C bindings. Libgit2 is developed with CMake, and this is be the easiest way to build a binary from the source. The CMake build system provides lots of options to configure the libgit2 build for your particular needs. It’s highly recommended that you build libgit2 as a static...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    A script for compiling OpenSSL for iOS Devices

    This is a script for using self-compiled builds of the OpenSSL-library on the iPhone. You can build apps with Xcode and the official SDK from Apple with this. I also made a small example app for using the libraries with Xcode and the iPhone/iPhone Simulator. This repository contains an iOS 15.0 Xcode Project which uses the OpenSSL Libraries. The examples uses the MD5 or SHA256-algorithm to calculate an md5 or sha256 hash from an UITextfield. iOS 12.0 - iOS 16.2 (x86_64 , arm64, arm64e bitcode...
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  • 6


    The minimal opencv for Android, iOS, ARM Linux, Windows, Linux, MacOS

    The minimal opencv for Android, iOS, ARM Linux, Windows, Linux, MacOS, WebAssembly. This project provides the minimal build of opencv library for the Android, iOS and ARM Linux platforms. Packages for Windows, Linux, MacOS, and WebAssembly are available now. We provide prebuild binary packages for opencv, 3.4.18, and 4.6.0. We also provide prebuild binary package for iOS with bitcode enabled, that the official package lacks. All the binaries are compiled from source on GitHub...
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  • 7
    LXGW WenKai

    LXGW WenKai

    An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One

    An open-source Chinese font derived from Fontworks' Klee One. In December 2020, the famous Japanese font manufacturer FONTWORKS released 7 open source Japanese fonts on GitHub , namely Train, Klee, Stick, Rock-n-Roll, Reggae, Rampart and DotGothic16. The seven open-source Japanese fonts have their own characteristics, and among these seven fonts, Klee has the largest number of characters. This is a Japanese textbook style font, which has the characteristics of imitating Song and italics, and...
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  • 8


    SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms

    SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render images. Building SkiaSharp is mostly straight forward. The main issue is the multiple dependencies for each platform. However, these are easy to install as they are found on the various websites. If you are just working on managed code, it is even easier as there mays to skip all the...
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  • 9


    A Git interface to work quickly and safely

    Work quickly, safely, and without headaches. The Git interface you've been missing all your life has finally arrived. GitUp lets you see your entire labyrinth of branches and merges with perfect clarity. Any change you make, large or small, even outside GitUp, is immediately reflected in GitUp's graph. No refreshing, no waiting. Highlight a commit and hit the spacebar to quickly see its message and diff. GitUp gives you full, transparent control over your local checkout, so it's easy to back...
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    Real-time physically based rendering engine for Android, iOS, and more

    Filament is a real-time physically-based renderer written in C++. It is mobile-first, but also multi-platform. We are very conscientious about keeping Filament small, fast to load, and focused on rendering. For example, Filament does not compile materials at run time. Instead, we provide a command line tool (matc) that does this offline. Filament is a physically based rendering (PBR) engine for Android. The goal of Filament is to offer a set of tools and APIs for Android developers that will...
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  • 11


    Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift

    Alamofire is an elegant, open source HTTP networking library written in Swift. It gives you an elegant interface on top of Apple’s URL loading system provided by the Foundation framework. It wraps the URLSession API among others in an easy-to-use interface and provides additional functionality required of modern application development using HTTP networking. Alamofire offers plenty of features, including Chainable Request / Response Methods, URL / JSON Parameter Encoding, Authentication...
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  • 12
    Flutter Food App UI

    Flutter Food App UI

    Order Food App UI for iOS and Android Developed in Flutter

    Magnificent User Interface that I designed back in 2018 for a project that unfortunately did not come to fruition. However, in the year 2023, I have taken the initiative to transform this aesthetically pleasing design into a fully functional code. This creation has been a labor of love, and I hope that it will capture your attention and admiration. For those who are curious, the original design can be viewed on my Dribbble or Behance account. Please take a moment to immerse yourself in this...
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  • 13


    A powerful server and network library, including coroutine

    The Acl (Advanced C/C++ Library) project a is powerful multi-platform network communication library and service framework, supporting LINUX, WIN32, Solaris, FreeBSD, MacOS, AndroidOS, iOS. Many applications written by Acl run on these devices with Linux, Windows, iPhone and Android and serve billions of users. There are some important modules in Acl project, including network communcation, server framework, application protocols, multiple coders, etc. The common protocols such as HTTP/SMTP/ICMP...
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  • 14


    ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card

    Application for ESP32 / ESP32S3 with OV2640 / OV5640 camera to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and playback to the browser as an MJPEG stream. The AVI format allows recordings to replay at the correct frame rate on media players. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created and stored in the AVI file. The ESP32 cannot support all of the features as it will run out of heap space. For better functionality and performance, use one of the new ESP32S3 camera boards, eg...
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  • 15


    A cross-platform UI framework for .NET

    Avalonia is a cross-platform UI framework for dotnet, providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS. Avalonia is mature and production-ready. We also have in beta release support for iOS, Android and in early stages support for browsers via WASM. Avalonia is open source, free to use, and always will be. Clone the source today to dig deeper. The free VS extension provides everything needed to start, including a XAML...
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  • 16
    Simplenote for Electron

    Simplenote for Electron

    Simplenote for Web, Windows, and Linux

    A Simplenote React client packaged in Electron. All your notes, synced on all your devices. Get Simplenote now for iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, or in your browser. Notes stay updated across all your devices, automatically and in real-time. There’s no “sync” button, It just works. Add tags to find notes quickly with instant searching. Share a to-do list, post some instructions, or publish your notes online. Notes are backed up with every change, so you can see what you noted last week...
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  • 17
    AirGap Wallet

    AirGap Wallet

    The AirGap Wallet is installed on an everyday smartphone

    AirGap is a crypto wallet system that lets you secure cypto assets with one secret on an offline device. The AirGap Vault application is installed on a dedicated device that has no connection to any network, thus it is air gapped. The AirGap Wallet is installed on your everyday smartphone. Protect your crypto and store your private keys offline. It’s time to set up your safe place for your coins and get rewards. Based on a two-device approach, increasing security and usability with you in...
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  • 18


    Datasets, transforms and models specific to Computer Vision

    The torchvision package consists of popular datasets, model architectures, and common image transformations for computer vision. We recommend Anaconda as Python package management system. Torchvision currently supports Pillow (default), Pillow-SIMD, which is a much faster drop-in replacement for Pillow with SIMD, if installed will be used as the default. Also, accimage, if installed can be activated by calling torchvision.set_image_backend('accimage'), libpng, which can be installed via...
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  • 19
    Swagger Codegen

    Swagger Codegen

    Template-driven engine to generate documentation

    Swagger-Codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition. Simplify API development for users, teams, and enterprises with the Swagger open source and professional toolset. Find out how Swagger can help you design and document your APIs at scale. The power of Swagger tools starts with the OpenAPI Specification, the industry standard for RESTful API design. Individual tools to...
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    Classic modular front-end UI framework

    Created by professional front-end, for full-level front-end and back-end developers, a low-threshold, out-of-the-box front-end UI solution. Layui (homonym: UI-like) is a front-end UI framework written with its own module specifications, following the writing and organization of native HTML/CSS/JS, with a very low threshold and ready to use. Its exterior is minimalist, but it does not lose its fullness. The volume is light and the components are abundant. Every detail from the core code to...
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  • 21
    Telegram SMS

    Telegram SMS

    An SMS-forwarding Robot Running on Your Android Device

    With the power of Telegram SMS, your multi-phone life is much easier than before. Receiving and sending SMS, relaying APP notifications, monitoring battery status. All stuff can be done with a single Telegram bot. You can use the bot in both private chat and group chat, in case you have more than 2 Android phones, or sharing the bot with other people. Telegram SMS connects with Telegram's bot API server directly, no 3rd-party services involved.
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  • 22
    PHP Telegram Bot

    PHP Telegram Bot

    PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API

    A Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API. Telegram announced official support for a Bot API, allowing integrators of all sorts to bring automated interactions to the mobile platform. This Bot aims to provide a platform where one can simply write a bot and have interactions in a matter of minutes. This is a pure PHP Telegram Bot, fully extensible via plugins.
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  • 23
    ReNative iOS

    ReNative iOS

    Unified Development Platform for iOS, tvOS, Android, Android TV

    ReNative allows you to bootstrap, develop and deploy apps for mobile, web, TVs, desktops, consoles, wearables and more via a single development environment. Sometimes you need to extend CLI functionality with custom build scripts. ReNative makes this easy for you. Tired of setting up and managing countless of various projects? you can go as simple as most basic json config file to get yourself up and running. ReNative supports integrations for various services and deployment infrastructures...
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  • 24


    Notes manager for macOS/iOS

    FSNotes is a modern notes manager for macOS and iOS. App respects open formats like GitHub Flavored Markdown, so you can easily write documents on iPhone and MacBook. It's simple and blazing fast! Sync via iCloud Drive. 3D Touch and configurable keyboard. TextBundle and EncryptedTextBundle containers. Pinned notes are kept in sync with the desktop app. Dynamic fonts (iOS 11+). Night mode by location or screen brightness. Sharing extension. Encrypted note support.
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    DreamFactory API Management Platform

    DreamFactory can run on private, public, or hybrid cloud infrastructure. DreamFactory is easy to deploy with Docker, Kubernetes, or directly from GitHub using our automated installers. Eliminate the biggest bottleneck in modern IT. Launch your project in weeks rather than months. DreamFactory instantly creates a secure, standardized, reusable, fully documented, and live REST API. Connect Salesforce to SQL Server, or your ERP to AWS S3. Transform and mask data along the way. Create reports,...
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