Search Results for "runtime library" - Page 2

Showing 335 open source projects for "runtime library"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    A Kotlin library which helps to request runtime permissions in Android

    An Android library is totally written in Kotlin that helps to request runtime permissions. This library is compatible also with Android M (API 23) where runtime permissions don't exist, so you have to handle them separately. To discover all the APIs of this library, check the wiki. It contains some useful notes and advanced features not explained in the README. For further samples, check the sample provided by this library. It shows how to integrate this library and request permissions from...
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  • 2
    Kotlin multiplatform

    Kotlin multiplatform

    Kotlin multiplatform / multi-format serialization

    Kotlin serialization consists of a compiler plugin, that generates visitor code for serializable classes, a runtime library with core serialization API, and support libraries with various serialization formats. Using Kotlin Serialization requires Kotlin compiler 1.4.0 or higher. Make sure you have the corresponding Kotlin plugin installed in the IDE, no additional plugins for IDE are required.
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  • 3
    Vercel AI SDK

    Vercel AI SDK

    Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid

    The Vercel AI SDK is a library for building AI-powered streaming text and chat UIs.
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    Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter

    Yaegi is Another Elegant Go Interpreter. It powers executable Go scripts and plugins, in embedded interpreters or interactive shells, on top of the Go runtime. All Go & runtime resources accessible from script (with control). Note that you can use rlwrap (install with your favorite package manager), and alias the yaegi command in alias yaegi='rlwrap yaegi' in your ~/.bashrc, to have history and command line edition. Complete support of Go specification. Written in pure Go, using only...
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    The missing TypeScript utils

    Tsafe is a lightweight TypeScript utility library designed to improve type safety and code clarity. It provides helpers for runtime type assertions, exhaustive type checking, and ensuring strict type constraints.
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    Sort of like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, CPU, GPU

    In terminal graphical metrics for your *nix system written in Rust. The make file provides for building fully static versions on Linux against the musl C library. It requires musl-gcc to be installed on the system. Install "musl-tools" package on debian/ubuntu derivatives, "musl-gcc" on fedora and equivalent on other distributions from their standard repos. If one needs to build with NVIDIA support in a virtual environment, then it requires some more setup since typically the VM software...
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  • 7


    Dynamic Instrumentation Tool Platform

    DynamoRIO is a runtime code manipulation system that supports code transformations on any part of a program, while it executes. DynamoRIO exports an interface for building dynamic tools for a wide variety of uses: program analysis and understanding, profiling, instrumentation, optimization, translation, etc. Unlike many dynamic tool systems, DynamoRIO is not limited to insertion of callouts/trampolines and allows arbitrary modifications to application instructions via a powerful IA-32/AMD64/ARM...
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  • 8
    Operator SDK

    Operator SDK

    SDK for building Kubernetes applications. Provides high level APIs

    The Operator SDK makes it easier to build Kubernetes native applications, a process that can require deep, application-specific operational knowledge. The Operator SDK provides the tools to build, test, and package Operators. Initially, the SDK facilitates the marriage of an application’s business logic (for example, how to scale, upgrade, or backup) with the Kubernetes API to execute those operations. Over time, the SDK can allow engineers to make applications smarter and have the user...
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  • 9


    Fastest feature-rich C++11/14/17/20 single-header testing framework

    doctest is a new C++ testing framework but is by far the fastest both in compile times (by orders of magnitude) and runtime compared to other feature-rich alternatives. It brings the ability of compiled languages such as D / Rust / Nim to have tests written directly in the production code thanks to a fast, transparent and flexible test runner with a clean interface. The framework is and will stay free but needs your support to sustain its development. There are lots of new features...
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 10


    Proxy: Next Generation Polymorphism in C++

    ... management, and JIT-compile the source code at runtime to generate full metadata. We improved the theory and implemented it as a C++ library without sacrificing performance, proposing to merge it into the C++ standard.
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  • 11


    A lightweight text templating library written in C#

    SmartFormat is a is a lightweight text templating library written in C# which can be a drop-in replacement for string.Format. More than that SmartFormat can format data with named placeholders, lists, localization, pluralization and other smart extensions. High performance with low memory footprint. Minimal, intuitive syntax. Formatting takes place exclusively at runtime. Exact control of whitespace text output. string.Format compatibility mode and SmartFormat enhanced mode. Most common data...
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  • 12
    React Diagrams

    React Diagrams

    Super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in react

    ... the library was originally written to represent advanced dynamic nodes, that are difficult to represent as SVG's due to complex input requirements ux requirements. Designed for process the library is aimed for software engineers that want to rewire their programs at runtime, and that want to make their software more dynamic. Fast diagram editing the defaults provided give the highest priority to editing diagrams as fast as possible.
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  • 13
    CUDA API Wrappers

    CUDA API Wrappers

    Thin, unified, C++-flavored wrappers for the CUDA APIs

    CUDA API Wrappers is a C++ library providing high-level, modern wrappers for NVIDIA’s CUDA runtime and driver APIs, enhancing usability and efficiency. It is intended for those who would otherwise use these APIs directly, to make working with them more intuitive and consistent, making use of modern C++ language capabilities, programming idioms, and best practices. In a nutshell - making CUDA API work more fun.
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  • 14


    Divide and Conquer Linear Algebra

    Gaius.jl is a multi-threaded BLAS-like library using a divide-and-conquer strategy to parallelism, and built on top of the fantastic LoopVectorization.jl. Gaius spawns threads using Julia's depth-first parallel task runtime and so Gaius's routines may be fearlessly nested inside multi-threaded Julia programs. Gaius is not stable or well-tested. Only use it if you're adventurous.
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  • 15
    Testcontainers Python

    Testcontainers Python

    Testcontainers is a Python library that providing a friendly API

    Testcontainers is a Python library that provides a friendly API to run a Docker container. It is designed to create a runtime environment to use during your automatic tests.
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  • 16


    Make a cool intro for your Android app

    AppIntro is an Android Library that helps you build a cool carousel intro for your App. AppIntro has support for requesting permissions and helps you create a great onboarding experience in just a couple of minutes.
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  • 17
    Sonic JSON

    Sonic JSON

    A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library

    A blazingly fast JSON serializing & deserializing library, accelerated by JIT (just-in-time compiling) and SIMD (single-instruction-multiple-data).
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  • 18


    Zero-runtime CSS in JS library

    Write CSS in JS and get real CSS files during build. Use dynamic prop-based styles with the React bindings and have them transpiled to CSS variables automatically. Great productivity with source maps and linting support. Write CSS in JS, but with zero runtime, CSS is extracted to CSS files during build. Use dynamic prop-based styles with the React bindings, uses CSS variables behind the scenes. Optionally use any CSS preprocessor such as Sass or PostCSS. Easily find where the style was defined...
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  • 19


    A fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more

    EnTT is a header-only, tiny and easy to use library for game programming and much more written in modern C++. Among others, it's used in Minecraft by Mojang, the ArcGIS Runtime SDKs by Esri and the amazing Ragdoll. The entity-component-system (also known as ECS) is an architectural pattern used mostly in game development. This project started off as a pure entity-component system. Over time the codebase has grown as more and more classes and functionalities were added. Statically generated...
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  • 20


    JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps

    Workbox is a set of libraries that can power a production-ready service worker for your Progressive Web App. Stop waiting on the network! You can improve your web app's performance by caching and serving your files, powered by a service worker. Even on an unreliable connection, your web app can still work using the right runtime caching strategies. Looking to build a progressive web app? Workbox makes it easy to create an offline first experience. Workbox is a library that bakes in a set...
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  • 21


    Policy Controller for Kubernetes

    A customizable cloud-native policy controller that helps enforce policies and strengthen governance. Gatekeeper makes managing policies on top of Kubernetes easy. Policies can be enforced at admission time or at runtime via the audit functionality. Gatekeeper is powered by the Open Policy Agent (OPA) project. Using OPA allows you to write policies that are powerful, flexible, and portable. Browse the policy library to find existing policies that fit your use case. Each policy in the library can...
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  • 22


    Library for OpenAPI 3 with spring-boot

    An extended support for springdoc-openapi v1 project is now available for organizations that need support beyond 2023. The springdoc-openapi Java library helps automating the generation of API documentation using Spring Boot projects. springdoc-openapi works by examining an application at runtime to infer API semantics based on Spring configurations, class structure and various annotations. The library automatically generates documentation in JSON/YAML and HTML formatted pages. The generated...
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  • 23


    The .NET Standard version from the System Linq Dynamic functionality

    System.Linq.Dynamic.Core is an extension library that adds dynamic LINQ query capabilities to .NET, allowing developers to create LINQ queries from strings.
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  • 24


    Scripting enhancements for Kotlin

    Enhanced scripting support for Kotlin on *nix-based and Windows systems. Kotlin has some built-in support for scripting already, but it is not yet feature-rich enough to be a viable alternative in the shell.
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    Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable HTML documents

    A Swift DSL for type-safe, extensible, and transformable HTML documents. The popular choice for rendering HTML in Swift these days is to use templating languages, but they expose your application to runtime errors and invalid HTML. Our library prevents these runtime issues at compile-time by embedding HTML directly into Swift’s powerful type system. Underneath the hood these tag functions html, body, h1, etc., are just creating and nesting instances of a Node type, which is a simple Swift enum...
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