Showing 779 open source projects for "schema"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM Icon
    Enterprise and Small Business CRM Solution | Clear C2 C2CRM

    Voted Best CRM System with Top Ranked Customer Support. CRM Management includes Sales, Marketing, Relationship Management, and Help Desk.

    C2CRM consists of four modules that integrate to provide a comprehensive CRM solution: Relationship Management, Sales Automation, Marketing Automation, and Customer Service. Only buy what each user needs.
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  • 1
    GraphQL HTTP Server Middleware

    GraphQL HTTP Server Middleware

    Create a GraphQL HTTP server with Express

    Create a GraphQL HTTP server with any HTTP web framework that supports connect styled middleware, including Connect itself, Express and Restify. This module includes a TypeScript declaration file to enable auto complete in compatible editors and type information for TypeScript projects. Use .get or .post (or both) rather than .use to configure your route handler. If you want to show GraphiQL in the browser, set graphiql, true on your .get handler. An optional function for adding additional...
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  • 2
    TransferWare is a collection of tools for the Oracle world: the schema version manager TransVersion (tv), the External Procedure Call (epc) toolkit for accessing the outside world from within Oracle PL/SQL and an application Performance Monitor (pm).
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  • 3
    GraphQL CLI

    GraphQL CLI

    Command line tool for common GraphQL development workflows

    ..., the system will use the inputs and selected project templates to generate a working project complete with a GraphQL Config setup. The GraphQL Config file is generated referencing the necessary files and ecosystem plugins. Finally, one of the options with graphql init is to access schema using an OpenAPI or Swagger endpoint. Choose this option at the start of the Init question tree, and then follow the instructions to navigate to the URL of your choice.
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  • 4


    A small, simple and immutable ORM to manage relational data

    ... is possible. Defining fields on a Model specifies the table structure in the database for that Model. In order to generate a description of the whole database's structure, we need a central place to register all Models we want to use. An instance of the ORM class registers Models and handles generating a full schema from all the models and passing that information to the database. Often you'll want to have a file where you can import a single ORM instance across the app.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 5


    Easy OpenAPI specs and Swagger UI for your Flask API

    Flasgger is a Flask extension to extract OpenAPI-Specification from all Flask views registered in your API. Flasgger also comes with SwaggerUI embedded so you can access it and visualize and interact with your API resources. Flasgger also provides validation of the incoming data, using the same specification it can validate if the data received as a POST, PUT, PATCH is valid against the schema defined using YAML, Python dictionaries or Marshmallow Schemas. Flasgger can work with simple function...
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  • 6
    XML Editor/Validator/Designer with CAMV

    XML Editor/Validator/Designer with CAMV

    CAM XML Editor for XML+JSON+Hibernate+SQL Open-XDX sponsored by Oracle

    The CAM editor is the leading open source XML Editor/Validation/Schema toolset for rapidly building / deploying XML /JSON /Hibernate /SQL data /Forms applications. Visual WYSIWYG data design, rule entry wizards + drag & drop dictionary components. Will import, analyze / refactor from XML Schema / JSON. Oracle is a proud enterprise sponsor; with support. Do SQL data import/map+ Open Data API delivery+ Hibernate JPA + UI Forms/Pencil Makes XSD schema (default, flatten, NIEM...
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  • 7


    Tofu is a Python tool for generating synthetic UK Biobank data

    Tofu is a Python library for generating synthetic UK Biobank data. The UK Biobank is a large open-access prospective research cohort study of 500,000 middle-aged participants recruited in England, Scotland and Wales. The study has collected and continues to collect extensive phenotypic and genotypic detail about its participants, including data from questionnaires, physical measures, sample assays, accelerometry, multimodal imaging, genome-wide genotyping and longitudinal follow-up for a...
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  • 8
    Open Source Data Quality and Profiling

    Open Source Data Quality and Profiling

    World's first open source data quality & data preparation project

    This project is dedicated to open source data quality and data preparation solutions. Data Quality includes profiling, filtering, governance, similarity check, data enrichment alteration, real time alerting, basket analysis, bubble chart Warehouse validation, single customer view etc. defined by Strategy. This tool is developing high performance integrated data management platform which will seamlessly do Data Integration, Data Profiling, Data Quality, Data Preparation, Dummy Data...
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  • 9
    The COLLADA Document Object Model (DOM) is an application programming interface (API) that provides a C++ object representation of a COLLADA XML instance document. Contact a project admin to become a developer!
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 10


    A build for a back end which implements managing users with MongoDB

    ..., Jest) into a working backend. If you recognize an anti-pattern or a better way to do something, please post an issue. It is challenging not to repeat the structure of the models in the GraphQL schema, Mongo schema, and Typescript interfaces. The goal is to have one truth point for the models and extend that data when more data is needed. With NestJS 6.0.0 a code first approach was introduced. This project uses the schema first approach to be language agnostic.
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  • 11
    Laravel Create

    Laravel Create

    Create Laravel projects really fast

    Create new web projects really fast. By giving Pipe Dream a minimum of input in the form of a sketch/entity list it will predict your application schema and feed it into a set of pipes. These pipes will generate all the files needed to get started really quickly.
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  • 12


    Infrastructure for building composable apps and services on the IPFS

    Textile provides encrypted, recoverable, schema-based, and cross-application data storage built on IPFS and libp2p. We like to think of it as a decentralized data wallet with built-in protocols for sharing and recovery, or more simply, an open and programmable iCloud. Textile is still under heavy development and no part of it should be used before a thorough review of the underlying code and an understanding that APIs and protocols may change rapidly. There may be coding mistakes...
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  • 13
    SQLeo Visual Query Builder

    SQLeo Visual Query Builder

    Helping users to quickly understand SQL queries

    SQLeo is a professional lightweight SQL Query tool that permits to create or display complex sql queries (from OBIEE, Microstrategy, SSRS, Cognos, Hyperion, Pentaho ...) and permits to reverse engineer database models as db designers do. This SQL GUI supports all JDBC drivers: Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, Firebird, HSQLDB, H2, PostgreSQL, CsvJdbc, SQLite, UCanAccess, MonetDB ... (but MySQL jdbc and CsvJdbc are the only driver included in the package) Can be compared with : FreeQueryBuilder...
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  • 14


    The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implement.

    The Orator ORM provides a simple yet beautiful ActiveRecord implementation. The Orator ORM is based on conventions to avoid the hassle of defining every single aspect of your models. It is inspired by the database part of the Laravel framework, but largely modified to be more pythonic. All you need to get you started is the configuration describing your database connections and passing it to a DatabaseManager instance. If you have multiple databases configured you can specify which one is...
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  • 15


    A tool for generating immutable model objects

    Plank is a command-line tool for generating robust immutable models from JSON Schemas. It will save you time writing boilerplate and eliminate model errors as your application scales in complexity.
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  • 16


    React Native bindings

    Textile provides encrypted, recoverable, schema-based, and cross-application data storage built on IPFS and libp2p. We like to think of it as a decentralized data wallet with built-in protocols for sharing and recovery, or more simply, an open and programmable iCloud.
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  • 17


    Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application

    Adds GraphQL support to your Flask application. This will add /graphql endpoint to your app and enable the GraphiQL IDE. If you are using the Schema type of Graphene library, be sure to use the graphql_schema attribute to pass as schema on the GraphQLView view. Otherwise, the GraphQLSchema from graphql-core is the way to go. The GraphQLSchema object that you want the view to execute when it gets a valid request. A value to pass as the context_value to graphql execute function. By default is set...
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  • 18
    Textile JS HTTP Client

    Textile JS HTTP Client

    Textile JS HTTP Wrapper Client

    With the move to Typescript and our 0.2.x release, js-http-client is now published under the @textile namespace, rather than @textileio. Previous releases will remain available under @textileio, however, all code should be updated to reflect this change. Textile provides encrypted, recoverable, schema-based, and cross-application data storage built on IPFS and libp2p. We like to think of it as a decentralized data wallet with built-in protocols for sharing and recovery, or more simply, an open...
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  • 19


    Test REST, GraphQL APIs

    ... specs. Just-API builds the request, sends it to the server and validates the response as per the specification. Runs test suites in parallel/serial mode. Supports all widely used HTTP methods. Supports x-www-form-urlencoded requests, Multipart requests, File uploads. Built-in Response Validation Constructs(Headers, Cookies, Status code, JSON body, JSON schema) Custom Response validator functions. Supports running custom inline or module javascript sync/async functions.
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  • 20
    Idempiere Localization Chile
    This project is an extension to the Idempiere project wich adequates the software to the Chilean Laws and Taxing schema. Este Proyecto es un extensión de Idempiere el cual adecua el software a las Leyes y esquemas tributarios chilenos.
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  • 21


    The next web scraper, see through the <html> noise

    Supports strings, arrays, arrays of objects, and nested object structures. The schema is not tied to the structure of the page you're scraping, allowing you to pull the data in the structure of your choosing. The API is entirely composable, giving you great flexibility in how you scrape each page. Paginate through websites, scraping each page. X-ray also supports a request delay and a pagination limit. Scraped pages can be streamed to a file, so if there's an error on one page, you won't lose...
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  • 22


    Typed, correct GraphQL requests and responses in Rust

    A typed GraphQL client library for Rust. Precise types for query variables and responses. Supports GraphQL fragments, objects, unions, inputs, enums, custom scalars and input objects. Works in the browser (WebAssembly). Subscriptions support (serialization-deserialization only at the moment). Copies documentation from the GraphQL schema to the generated Rust code. Arbitrary derives on the generated responses. Arbitrary custom scalars. Supports multiple operations per query document. Supports...
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  • 23


    The easy to use Swift JSON decoder

    Unbox is an easy-to-use Swift JSON decoder. Don't spend hours writing JSON decoding code - just unbox it instead. Unbox is lightweight, non-magical, and doesn't require you to subclass, make your JSON conform to a specific schema or completely change the way you write model code. It can be used on any model with ease. Unbox automatically (or, actually, Swift does) figures out what types your properties are, and decodes them accordingly.
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  • 24
    GraphQL Playground

    GraphQL Playground

    GraphQL IDE for better development workflows

    GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration). GraphQL Playground uses components of GraphiQL under the hood but is meant as a more powerful GraphQL IDE enabling better (local) development workflows. Compared to GraphiQL, the GraphQL Playground ships with a number of features, such as interactive, multi-column schema documentation, automatic schema reloading, support for GraphQL Subscriptions, query history, configuration of HTTP headers...
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  • 25


    An Internet-scale database

    Tera is a high-performance distributed NoSQL database, which is inspired by google's BigTable and designed for real-time applications. Tera can easily scale to petabytes of data across thousands of commodity servers. Besides, Tera is widely used in many Baidu products with varied demands, which range from throughput-oriented applications to latency-sensitive services, including web indexing, WebPage DB, LinkBase DB, etc. Tera is the collection of many sparse, distributed, multidimensional...
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