Open source PDF editor
Create UIs for your machine learning model in Python in 3 minutes
Easy to use template - Only Text Editing Skills Required
Douyin TikTok Download API
Open-source application that allows you to manage your phone
Blazing fast library to create a functional dashboard on ESP8266
Old-school cursor effects for your browser built with modern JS
Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool
Modern desktop RSS reader built with Electron, React, and Fluent UI
Simplistic mobile RSS client built with Flutter
Jekyll website template for personal academic or research group page
Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers
Renren Film and Television bot, fully connected to Renren resources
ChatGPT demo webpage built with Express and Vue3
Capture website screenshots
Simple bookmark manager built with Go
Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
ShowDoc is a tool greatly applicable for an IT team to share documents
jquery tree plugin
Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC
Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes
Set content security policy headers in a Laravel app
Vision utilities for web interaction agents
Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
An interactive GUI for WhiteboxTools in a Jupyter-based environment