Showing 1395 open source projects for "python gui page"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato. Icon
    Manage printing in a cost-efficient and eco-friendly way with Gelato.

    Gelato offers an extensive catalog of custom products, a zero-inventory business model, and free designing tools—all in one place.

    The world's largest print on demand network with 140+ production partners across 32 countries. Gelato offers end-to-end design, production and logistics for individuals looking to start their own business today!
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  • 1
    PAGE is a drag-and-drop GUI generator for Python and Tkinter which generates Python modules that display a relatively simple GUI constructed from Tk and Ttk widget sets using the Place Geometry Manager. PAGE supports the construction of multiple toplevel GUI's. PAGE is a cross-platform tool running on any OS that has a current version of Python installed. PAGE output requires only Python Tkinter and runs on Linux, Unix, Windows, and even Rasperian. Version 8 is a major release...
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  • 2
    Run Page

    Run Page

    Make your own running home page

    GitHub Actions manages automatic synchronization of runs and generation of new pages. Gatsby-generated static pages, fast. Support for Vercel (recommended) and GitHub Pages automated deployment. React Hooks. Mapbox for map display. Supports most sports apps such as nike strava. Automatically backup gpx data for easy backup and uploading to other software.
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  • 3


    Cross-platform GUI for image upscaler Real-ESRGAN

    The graphic interface of Real-ESRGAN, a practical and beautiful image magnification tool, refers to the design of waifu2x-caffe. This program is a graphical interface of Real-ESRGAN's command line program Real-ESRGAN-ncnn-vulkan , written in Python and tkinter, and supports Windows, Ubuntu and macOS platforms. According to actual measurements, arm64the single-architecture performance is better than universal2the dual- architecture Mac on the Apple chip, so Apple chip users are advised to pack...
    Downloads: 50 This Week
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  • 4
    Playwright for Python

    Playwright for Python

    Python version of the Playwright testing and automation library

    Playwright enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps. Single API to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit. Capable automation for single page apps that rely on the modern web platform. Use the Playwright API in JavaScript & TypeScript, Python, .NET and, Java. With Playwright, test how your app behaves in Apple Safari with WebKit builds for Windows, Linux and macOS. Test locally and on CI. Use device emulation to test your responsive web apps in mobile web browsers. Playwright...
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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • 5
    Selenium-python Helium

    Selenium-python Helium

    Selenium-python but lighter: Helium is the best Python library

    Under the hood, Helium forwards each call to Selenium. The difference is that Helium's API is much more high-level. In Selenium, you need to use HTML IDs, XPaths and CSS selectors to identify web page elements. Helium on the other hand lets you refer to elements by user-visible labels. As a result, Helium scripts are typically 30-50% shorter than similar Selenium scripts. What's more, they are easier to read and more stable with respect to changes in the underlying web page. Selenium-python...
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  • 6


    A lossless video/GIF/image upscaler achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K

    A lossless video/GIF/image upscale achieved with waifu2x, Anime4K, SRMD and RealSR. Started in Hack the Valley 2, 2018. The latest Windows update is built based on version 4.8.1. GUI is not available for 5.0.0 yet, but is already under development. Go to the GUI page to see the basic usage of the GUI. Try the mirror if you can't download releases directly from GitHub. You can use Video2X on Google Colab for free if you don't have a powerful GPU of your own. You can borrow a powerful GPU (Tesla...
    Downloads: 699 This Week
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  • 7


    Dex to Java decompiler

    Command-line and GUI tools for producing Java source code from Android Dex and apk files. Decompile Dalvik bytecode to java classes from APK, dex, aar, aab and zip files. Decode AndroidManifest.xml and other resources from resources.arsc. Deobfuscator included. Be aware, Android Studio can interfere with jadx debugger, so it is better to close it before attaching to the process in jadx. Smali debugger, check wiki page for setup and usage. View decompiled code with highlighted syntax.
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  • 8


    The scientific Python development environment

    Spyder is a free and open source scientific environment written in Python, for Python, and designed by and for scientists, engineers and data analysts. It features a unique combination of the advanced editing, analysis, debugging, and profiling functionality of a comprehensive development tool with the data exploration, interactive execution, deep inspection, and beautiful visualization capabilities of a scientific package. Spyder’s multi-language Editor integrates a number of powerful tools...
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  • 9


    Set of Python modules designed for writing video games

    Pygame is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. Like SDL, pygame is highly portable and runs on nearly every platform and operating system.
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  • Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks Icon
    Build Securely on AWS with Proven Frameworks

    Lay a foundation for success with Tested Reference Architectures developed by Fortinet’s experts. Learn more in this white paper.

    Moving to the cloud brings new challenges. How can you manage a larger attack surface while ensuring great network performance? Turn to Fortinet’s Tested Reference Architectures, blueprints for designing and securing cloud environments built by cybersecurity experts. Learn more and explore use cases in this white paper.
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  • 10
    AWS Secrets Manager Python caching

    AWS Secrets Manager Python caching

    Enables in-process caching of secrets for Python applications

    ... to Creating Secrets and follow the instructions on that page. This library makes use of botocore, the low-level core functionality of the boto3 SDK. For more information on boto3 and botocore, please review the AWS SDK for Python and Botocore documentation.
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  • 11


    Image/video AI upscaler app (BSRGAN)

    Qualityscaler is a Windows app that uses BSRGAN Artificial Intelligence to enhance, enlarge and reduce noise in photographs and videos. QualityScaler is completely written in Python, from the backend to the front end. Image/list of images upscale. Video upscale. Drag&drop files [image / multiple images/video] Automatic image tiling and merging to avoid gpu VRAM limitation. Resize image/video before upscaling. Multiple Gpu support. Compatible images - png, jpeg, bmp, webp, tif. Compatible video...
    Downloads: 123 This Week
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  • 12
    Ultimate Vocal Remover (UVR5)

    Ultimate Vocal Remover (UVR5)

    GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks

    This application uses state-of-the-art source separation models to remove vocals from audio files. UVR's core developers trained all of the models provided in this package (except for the Demucs v3 and v4 4-stem models).
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  • 13


    Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go

    Gobuster is a tool used to brute-force. This project is born out of the necessity to have something that didn't have a fat Java GUI (console FTW), something that did not do recursive brute force, something that allowed me to brute force folders and multiple extensions at once, something that compiled to native on multiple platforms, something that was faster than an interpreted script (such as Python), and something that didn't require a runtime. Provides several modes, like the classic...
    Downloads: 113 This Week
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  • 14
    JupyterLab Desktop

    JupyterLab Desktop

    JupyterLab desktop application, based on Electron

    JupyterLab Desktop is the cross-platform desktop application for JupyterLab. It is the quickest and easiest way to get started with Jupyter notebooks on your personal computer, with the flexibility for advanced use cases. JupyterLab Desktop can be launched from the GUI of your operating system by clicking the application's icon or by using jlab command from the command line. Double-clicking .ipynb files is also supported and it will launch JupyterLab Desktop and load the notebook file.
    Downloads: 90 This Week
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  • 15
    labelme Image Polygonal Annotation

    labelme Image Polygonal Annotation

    Image polygonal annotation with Python

    Labelme is a graphical image annotation tool. It is written in Python and uses Qt for its graphical interface. Image annotation for polygon, rectangle, circle, line and point. Image flag annotation for classification and cleaning. Video annotation. (video annotation). GUI customization (predefined labels / flags, auto-saving, label validation, etc). Exporting VOC-format dataset for semantic/instance segmentation. (semantic segmentation, instance segmentation). Exporting COCO-format dataset...
    Downloads: 71 This Week
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  • 16


    The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend

    The most powerful and modular diffusion model is GUI and backend. This UI will let you design and execute advanced stable diffusion pipelines using a graph/nodes/flowchart-based interface. We are a team dedicated to iterating and improving ComfyUI, supporting the ComfyUI ecosystem with tools like node manager, node registry, cli, automated testing, and public documentation. Open source AI models will win in the long run against closed models and we are only at the beginning. Our core mission...
    Downloads: 41 This Week
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  • 17


    Simple and Fast Multimedia Library

    ... on the download page. SFML has official bindings for the C and .Net languages. And thanks to its active community, it is also available in many other languages such as Java, Ruby, Python, Go, and more.
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    A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency

    In descending order of significance (i.e. most important objective first), ungoogled-chromium is Google Chromium, sans dependency on Google web services, ungoogled-chromium retains the default Chromium experience as closely as possible. Unlike other Chromium forks that have their own visions of a web browser, ungoogled-chromium is essentially a drop-in replacement for Chromium. ungoogled-chromium features tweaks to enhance privacy, control, and transparency. However, almost all of these...
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  • 19


    Simple and powerful voice changer for Linux, written with Python & GTK

    Simple and powerful voice changer for Linux, written with Python & GTK.
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    Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library with many widgets

    Powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library with many widgets, advanced visual effects (opacity, antialiasing, animations), and low memory requirements (16K RAM, 64K Flash). LVGL provides everything you need to create an embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects, and a low memory footprint. LVGL is an open-source graphics library providing everything you need to create an embedded GUI with easy-to-use graphical elements, beautiful visual effects, and a low...
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  • 21


    A wxWidgets GUI Builder

    wxFormBuilder is a GUI builder for the wxWidgets framework. Code generation is supported for C++, Python, Lua and PHP. Additionally, the import and export of XRC code is possible. To support additional widgets, custom plugins can be used. wxFormBuilder runs on Windows, various Linux distributions and macOS.
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    Static site generator for .NET API documentation

    DocFX can produce documentation from source code (including C#, F#, Visual Basic, REST, JavaScript, Java, Python and TypeScript) as well as raw Markdown files. DocFX can run on Linux, macOS, and Windows. The generated static website can be deployed to any host such as GitHub Pages or Azure Websites with no additional configuration. DocFX provides a flexible way to customize templates and themes. DocFX makes it extremely easy to generate your developer hub with a landing page, API reference...
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  • 23


    Dark Web OSINT Tool

    ... Now you can run ./ to create the torBot binary. Run ./torBot to execute the program. Crawl custom domains.(Completed). Check if the link is live.(Completed). Built-in Updater.(Completed). TorBot GUI (In progress). Social Media integration.(not Started).
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  • 24


    Reko is a binary decompiler

    Reko (Swedish: "decent, obliging") is a decompiler for machine code binaries. This project is freely available under the GNU General Public License. The project consists of front ends, core decompiler engine, and back ends to help it achieve its goals. A command line, a Windows GUI, and a ASP.NET front end exist at the time of writing. The decompiler engine receives inputs from the front ends in the form of either individual executable files or decompiler project files. Reko project files...
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  • 25
    Persepolis Download Manager

    Persepolis Download Manager

    Persepolis Download Manager is a GUI for aria2

    Persepolis is a download manager & a GUI for Aria2. It's written in Python. Persepolis is a sample of free and open source software. It's developed for GNU/Linux distributions, BSDs, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows.
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