Speech recognition module for Python
Virtual Python environment builder
simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder
Cross-platform DICOM implementation
Incremental merge for git
Raven is the legacy Python client for Sentry
A Neural Net Training Interface on TensorFlow, with focus on speed
A stream implementation for Python that provides transparent base64
Python Cookbook, 3rd edition translation
JSON Web Token Authentication support for Django REST Framework
Karellen Gevent Websocket Library
Image Processing with Cellular Neural Networks in Python
repDNA is a Python package to generate various features of DNA sequenc
WeatherMonitoringStation monitors environmental data
A graphical user interface to R for use in Clinical Chemistry
Additional Graphical Classes and Widgets for Tkinter/Ttk
Keep track of your favourite TV shows.
File Explorer Unmistakable
Rhye's and Fall RAND, with some tweaks and additions
Python documentation plugin for Eclipse
A free Python 3 text-based MUD game server