Desktop Linux - custom built on Debian/Ubuntu/Mint upstream codebases
Your multimedia operating system !
Digabi OS
TCC4Java is a java binding for TCC. With TCC4Java, you can use TCC as
Una imagen de disco para las notebooks Magallanes del Plan Ceibal
Crosos is a SubLinux Distribution
System for backup of network devices configuration.
Scale Converter
Grasshopper Operating Systems - Portable operating systems
Linux Myst Debian Wheezy based 7.2 with myst window manager / gnome
Mubuntu Is a remix of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS featuring MATE instead of Unity
Grasshopper Operating Systems - Portable operating systems
Distro Linux Based On Debian-Ubuntu Desktop Enviroment UNITY
Matriux OS - Virtual Machine
Virtual image that will introduce you to the GNU/Linux server world
Django Live OS for building webapps using Django and MongoDB.
Debian MateDesktop Live OS
Vulnerable VM with some focus on NoSQL
Run a script to remove and install software on your new Linux system
libdvdetect provides fast database lookup for DVDs
Shell Automation for Linux Newbies
linux distro for anonymized penetration based on Kali and TAILS
Rasp-Get is a universal package manager for all RaspberryPi OS
A linux OS with a vision