QtPass is a multi-platform GUI for pass, the standard unix password
A glib-like multi-platform c library
Repository of the AWS SDK for PHP
Distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake
Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code
OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
The motion graphics toolbelt for the web
The Tiny JavaScript Game Engine That Can!
A framework for browser automation and testing with Selenium
Project documentation with Markdown
A little word cloud generator in Python
Scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures
Go-fastdfs is a simple distributed file system
An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x
A Backend so simple that it fits in a YAML file
qLibc is a simple and yet powerful C library
A very simple static homepage for your server
LAN large file transfer tool
Simple, useful and opinionated config loader
A client library to work with all file transfer protocols
A simple "database" that use JSON file for Node.JS.
Vue I18n for Vue 3
SequencePlugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Simple drawings using vector graphics; Cairo "for tourists!"
MinIO Go client SDK for S3 compatible object storage