Convert basic code to pascal
run ubuntu online
OSS code used in VMS1100 and IPC1100 set top boxes
Manjaro Spin for Programmers and Developers.
Morse code decoder.
Pecaldays is a powerfull calendar utility for Linux 64bit OSs.
SOA infrastracture initially developed by NICT Language Grid Project
Harvy is an enterprise-class, telco friendly trouble ticketing system
ScoreDate is a software to learn music reading and ear training
OSS code used in SB6183 SURFboard DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Modem
A collection of open source software developed or modified by myself.
Bulk SMS Service API for Bangladeshi Operators
Tiny Linux desktop distribution in just 14 MB
Minimalistic tool to download files from camera by Wifi written in Qt
Data Mining and Machine Learning Algorithms based on MapReduce
A RESTFul/JSON Web Service for text and metata extraction
A file server with a RESTFul web service.
SBG6580 DOCSIS 3.0 Wireless Cable Modem.
OSS code used in ATH products
Open Source Report Tool for Ruby, Rails