A wxMax based IDE for the programming language BlitzMax
A free text/code editor built in C#.
QueLang is a designing tool to use for Questionnaire Design.
Allows you to encrypt files and plain text, then back again.
A text based game reboot
N-Body code
Free online HTML website builder
Advanced HTML Code Editor for Tinymce4
Create random JPG wallpaper from a user updatable list of webcams
Tool for code duplication detection in QtCreator projects.
Open Source Blog and CMS Management
A small JOP app that translates phrases into piglatin
Replace text with POS equivalent text, in a reversible fashion.
Object-oriented generation of HTML code on .NET 4 Client Profile
General purpose matrix utilities for Java in Parallel Computing
C++ Text Adventure Engine
Pluggable data administration UI interface for Java web applications
omment Signature provides easy way to add user's signature
function finder