XSSer: Cross Site Scripter
Manage your Access MDB sales Database on LAN server with .NET client
X-Ray Imaging Software for Multiple Samples
Compose Software Without Writing Any Programing Code
Easy to use Repair distribution for both Gnu/Linux and Windows systems
An extensible message tunneling chat bot framework
A small and powerful utility to generate school/college time table.
Midway Wizard Of Wor Archive
Featureful native Commodore 64 music tracker with MIDI/XM converter
Autoskill in greater rift, now updated Firebird Wizard, zDH
A auto Timer shows u or ur party number's COE info synchronously.
Git GUI Client
a GUI for configure glftpd and zipscript-ng/backupscript settings
If you need to configure CentOS7 for your webserver take a look here.
Project about FusionPBX on Live Medium
A tool for write student evaluations
An iptables IPv4 firewall and traffic shaping program
Buils your own Devuan Linux Live in 10 Minutes with Debootstrap
Some Pixel-like GApps, basically some stock GApps.
The email trust rating and domain management tool application
The professional, open source development tool for the open web