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Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero
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An open source linked-data infrastructure developed by the Geospatial Transformation with OGSA-DAI project. The demo implementation uses the OGSA-DAI framework and D2RQ engine for dynamically publishing geo-spatial data into linked data.
ogr2gui is a open source project offering a graphical user interface (gui) for ogr2ogr. ogr2ogr is a command line utility used to convert and manipulate geospatialdata.
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SimpleWFS is a 100% Java servlet implementation of the draft OGC standard Web Feature Service (WFS) Simple. This is a Web service interface whose goal is to specify a common, minimal feature set for geospatial-temporal data access.
Minerva is a program for viewing geospatialdata that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. It unifies standard GIS capabilities with high-performance, 3D visualization.
SOLAPLayers is a cartographic component which enables navigation in geospatial (Spatial OLAP or SOLAP) data cubes. It aims to be integrated into existing dashboard frameworks in order to produce interactive geo-analytical dashboards.
Migratool is a software tool, which aims to easy the geospatial (and non-geospatial) data migration among both distributed and heterogeneous data sources. This tool is based on a three tiers architecture and it has been implemented using the J2EE archite
Tool kit for moving KML formatted Geospatialdata into and out of other GIS packages such as ESRI ArcGIS, PostGIS, etc Supports reading and writing Google Earth files via Python and other GIS packages.
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A generic geospatial analysis and viewing capability using Perl scripts that provides the foundation and structure for readily creating KML data files from disparate data sources. KML files can be read and viewed by Google Earth and other tools.
deegree is a Java framework for geospatial software based on the specifications of the OpenGIS Consortium and the ISO. The focus is based on the realisation of OGC specified web services. It is developed in cooperation between lat/lon and the University of Bonn.
A library and reference application for viewing and analysing raster and vector geospatialdata. This project is modified from http://sourceforge.net/projects/openev to accommodate a 3rd party proprietary plug-in.
OSIOSS (Open Source Integrated Observing System Software) is a collection of code which can be used for geospatial observing systems merging data collection, management and products solutions with ocean observing systems (OOS) as an initial focus.
VRVis is a programmer's toolkit for rapid development of Virtual Reality applications in the field of geospatialdata visualization. It is based on VR Juggler and the GeospatialData Abstraction Library (GDAL).
G2C (Geospatial to Civil)
The LandGML Interoperability Experiment initiated by Autodesk, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Development Center, and Galdos Systems. this open source tool transforms LandGML into LandXML documents.
GeoVISTA Studio is an open software development environment designed for geospatialdata. Studio is a modularly designed interface that allows the integration of various forms of geographic data to be analyzed and displayed in a dynamic environment.
CAVOR is an engine for building apps that involve both graphic and text/numeric data. Primarily GIS is the initial focus, but consider also CAD, CASE, project management (eg PERT charts), and others. Built-in scripting, C API, also supports Tcl and Java.
Omoa is cartographic visualization framework that enables programmers and cartographers to develop visualization applications of geospatial and statistical data.
The Constrained Contours is a tool to generate contour lines using constrained Delaunay's triangulation of data inside PostgreSQL with Postgis extension. The main libraries are GTS (GNU Triangulated Surface) and GDAL (GeospatialData Abstraction Library