Showing 1260 open source projects for "text code"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1

    EAN, UPC and ISBN for WooCommerce

    UPC, EAN, and ISBN are globally recognized unique identifiers for

    EAN (European Article Number), UPC (Universal Product Code), and ISBN (International Standard Book Number) are standardized identification codes assigned to products, allowing for precise and consistent tracking throughout their lifecycle. EAN: Originally developed in Europe, EAN codes consist of 13 digits and are used to identify a wide range of consumer products. They are commonly associated with items like electronics, cosmetics, and groceries. UPC: Predominantly used in North America...
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  • 2


    The Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract

    gophernotes is a Go kernel for Jupyter notebooks and nteract. It lets you use Go interactively in a browser-based notebook or desktop app. Use gophernotes to create and share documents that contain live Go code, equations, visualizations and explanatory text. These notebooks, with the live Go code, can then be shared with others via email, Dropbox, GitHub and the Jupyter Notebook Viewer. Go forth and do data science, or anything else interesting, with Go notebooks! This project utilizes a Go...
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  • 3

    Polish to English translation aid

    Polish to English translation aid. Automatic dictionary presentation.

    ... with javascript display and editing functions. In this way a growing library of Polish texts with inbuilt translatiion assistance could be produced. To begin with one html document is presented, a historical Polish text from the 19th century. The javascript code is just working and would benefit from expert help. Also help is needed is in building up the dictionary resources that are used to create the annotated text. These are based on other dictionaries and there may be copyright issues.
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  • 4
    BlackBuntu Linux

    BlackBuntu Linux

    BlackBuntu Linux

    BlackBuntu is born from the passion and spirit of 2 specialists. Let’s cut the bullshit, this distribution is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu and designed with Pentest, Security and Development in mind for the best experience. With advanced accessibility tools and options to change language, colour scheme and text size, Blackbuntu makes computing easy – whoever and wherever you are. BlackBuntu is a fully open source project, anyone can see what is inside. The building source code...
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  • 5


    Code editor in single HTML file

    Code editor written in a single HTML file that runs on the browser tab. There is no need to install, download a single file and run anywhere. To change the initial configuration, edit the wew.html file in the last lines. * WebEditorWeb use CodeMirror components in code editor.
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  • 6 Utility Library

    Library modules for creating ODF documents. Utility Library modules for creating Open Document Format (ODF) documents which can be read by Office Suites including,, and Microsoft Office. Currently, ooolib-python can create Calc spreadsheet ODS documents. These documents include many features including: - Create multiple table spreadsheets - Cells with text, numbers, dates, formulas - Ability to use built-in styles - Ability to create automatic styles (ie. bold, italics, underline...
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  • 7
    WideW - WebIDEWeb

    WideW - WebIDEWeb

    Web IDE in single HTML file

    IDE written in a single HTML file that runs on the browser tab. There is no need to install, download a single file and run anywhere. To change the initial configuration, edit the widew.html file in the last lines. * Widew use CodeMirror components in code editor. URLs:
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  • 8


    Helps user write blog content and entries

    A tray assistant that helps domestic users to write, publish local articles to mainstream blog platforms (Zhihu, Jianshu, Blog Park, CSDN, SegmentFault, Nuggets, Open Source China) with one click, upload clipboard pictures to Tubed (Sina, Github, Picture Shell, Tencent Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Youpai Cloud, Qiniu Cloud). A little assistant that does not have any interface and is only stored in the system tray, to help more people write better! One-click publishing of local articles to Zhihu,...
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  • 9


    Simple library that provides standard Unicode emoji for all platforms

    ... DOM parsing, explained below. Each type of parsing accepts a callback to generate an image source or an options object with parsing info. The second kind of parsing is string parsing. This is unrecommended because this method does not sanitize the string or otherwise prevent malicious code from being executed; such sanitization is out of scope.
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10


    Rayshade raytracer

    now gnu-ized, gcc-4.7.4 or gcc-10.2.0 A raytracer does not require custom code for (shadows, mirrors) like GL: it uses physics to simulate light to make realistic images, leaving one to specify only what is in the scene. (at a cost of speed) Rayshade is a 1990's raytracer, a great one back then (and still useful). Rayshade has an excellent easy to read yet informative User's Guide that other's could not help but copy from. (html of guide is in rayshade-4.0-ftp-and-guide.tar.gz...
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  • 11
    λiquid Text Editor

    λiquid Text Editor

    Clojure Text Editor, for editing clojure code and markdown

    Clojure Text Editor, for editing Clojure code and markdown. Written entirely in Clojure with inspiration from Emacs and Vim.
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  • 12


    A simple and elegant markdown editor

    ... and emojis. Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve your writing efficiency. Output HTML and PDF files. Various themes: Cadmium Light, Material Dark etc. Various editing modes: Source Code mode, Typewriter mode, Focus mode. Paste images directly from clipboard.
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  • 13
    Atom Linux

    Atom Linux

    The hackable text editor

    Atom is a hackable text editor for the 21st century, built on Electron, and based on everything we love about our favorite editors. We designed it to be deeply customizable, but still approachable using the default configuration. A set of encrypted code signing certificates were exfiltrated; however, the certificates were password-protected and we have no evidence of malicious use. As a preventative measure, we will revoke the exposed certificates used for the Atom application. Revoking...
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  • 14


    Application for simulation of microprogrammed processor DOP

    Simdop is avanced simulator of microprogrammed processor DOP. It provides interface for controlling all the internal processor values, main memory and program memory. This simulator also provides text editor with syntax highlighting, autocompleting and finding. The text is real-time compiled and the compiler provides list of labels referencing to the code, detailed compile messages and readable content of control memory. With this simulator you can simulate one clock or large amount...
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  • 15


    Multifunctional OCR Image and Text Recognition

    At present, the newly refactored PandaOCR.Pro professional version has been released. It is faster and more stable, with richer interfaces and easier operation. It is recommended for you to use it! The normal version will continue to be maintained, and all interfaces will be retained but no new functions will be added. The reason why the version number of the professional version starts from 5.x is that the normal version will be updated in the future, so a period of version number is...
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  • 16


    Patterns for responsive HTML email templates and newsletters

    Coding regular emails is hard enough by itself. Making them responsive shouldn’t add to the headache. A few simple, but solid patterns are all that’s needed to optimize emails for small screens. It’s just a few responsive email patterns that go a long way. The code blocks are compartmentalized so they may be used, removed, combined, and nested to build an email. Each template contains code comments and has good support among popular email clients. Cerberus is a small collection layout patterns...
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  • 17
    Comet MS/MS search engine

    Comet MS/MS search engine

    Comet open source tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) search engine.

    September 2021: the code repository has migrate to Comet is an open source tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) sequence database search engine. It identifies peptides by searching MS/MS spectra against sequences present in protein sequence databases. Comet currently exists as a simple Windows or Linux command line binary that only does MS/MS database search. Supported input formats are mzXML, mzML, ms2, and Thermo RAW files. Supported output formats are tab...
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  • 18
    Log4j mode - a major mode for viewing log files in Emacs - including syntax highlighting, log file filtering, and source code browsing.
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    htmanager create users tree directories, htacess and htpasswd files

    htmanager (c) Cyril BARBATO 2020-2021 * DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES * htmanager for www web site, create automatically users tree directories, .htpasswd and .htaccess files, from ONE only CSV table file. I. USING BY GUI 1. open pwlist.csv with Text Editor or Calc Editor and replace HTPATH parmater with your root path server /storage/ssd3/405/5273405/public_html/.htpasswd if using a subdir "users" by example : /storage/ssd3/405/5273405/public_html/users...
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  • 20


    Editor for Fixed Width, Csv and Existing Xml files.

    ... Compare * File Copy and reformat Utility * FileWizard this is use to work out the format of a File. It can generally find both Text and binary / packed deicimal fields in a file For Simple Csv you should look at its sister project reCsvEditor. Note: The core Editor code is also used in the "Protocol buffers editor" and "Avro Editor"
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  • 21
    Accelerated Text

    Accelerated Text

    Accelerated Text is a no-code natural language generation platform

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Or is it? Tables, charts, pictures are all useful in understanding our data but often we need a description – a story to tell us what are we looking at. Accelerated Text is a natural language generation tool which allows you to define data descriptions and then generates multiple versions of those descriptions varying in wording and structure. Accelerated Text is a no-code natural language generation platform. It will help you construct document plans which...
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  • 22
    ELisp Tree-sitter

    ELisp Tree-sitter

    Tree-sitter bindings for Emacs Lisp

    tree-sitter is an Emacs binding for Tree-sitter, an incremental parsing system. It aims to be the foundation for a new breed of Emacs packages that understand code structurally. Faster, fine-grained code highlighting. More flexible code folding. Structural editing (like Paredit, or even better) for non-Lisp code. More informative indexing for imenu. The author of Tree-sitter articulated its merits a lot better in this Strange Loop talk. The minor mode tree-sitter-mode provides a buffer-local...
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  • 23


    This is the Image of RYU controller and Mininet system,

    Download and unzip file then open OVF file, it will automatically load VM This is the Image of RYU controller and Mininet system, Wireshark is already installed in it, and two additional text editor is also installed. user password and sudo password is hemant. Perquisite requirements 1. VMware Player - Windows/ Linux 2. VMWare Fusion - Mac OS 3. Virtual Box - Mac / Linux / Windows # Minimum 8GB RAM and 50 GB Storage free # Internet Connection $ For running RYU...
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  • 24


    Small tool for changing text in a very large number of files

    A very simple program. Once, I had a need to change a string of text in a very large number of files. It was easier for me to write a program that automates the process. The project is written for Linux 64 bit. Using the Qt library. It is multithreaded. I am working on a Linux version. I have tested it with Kubuntu 18.04 and 20.10 and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. It is 64 bit. I compiled with Qt Creator. The MFC parts have been replaced with Qt. Best of all, I provide the source code and ALSO...
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  • 25


    Cloud-native way to provide elastic Jupyter Notebooks on Kubernetes

    Jupyter is a free, open-source, interactive web tool known as a computational notebook, which researchers can use to combine software code, computational output, explanatory text, and multimedia resources in a single document. For data scientists and machine learning engineers, Jupyter has emerged as a de facto standard. At the same time, there has been growing criticism that the way notebooks are being used leads to low resource utilization. GPU and other hardware resources will be bound...
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