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Coindesigner is a RAD environment to build 3D scenes based in openInventor, just using drag&drop and updating changes on the fly. An external multi platform viewer allows to distribute the scene without need of the RAD.
Any future development will occur at
A grabbag of various experimental/maybe-useful "toys" for the OpenSceneGraph, such as examples, experiments, utilities, file importer plugins, and pseudoloaders. See also:
The purpose of this projects is to define, design and code a models-sharing system for the RepRap replication machines, so that end-users and designers can easily find, create, modify or build objects models.
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NOTE: Codebase is being moved to it's new home at: A high-performance object-oriented OpenGL 2.0 & OpenGL ES 3D engine with a simple implicit library interface. Includes GLSL, Bullet physics and Lua scripting.
DCS3D will be a semi parametric and freeform 3d modelling and automated 2d output add on tool kit for AutoCAD. These tools will aid in the design and detailing of structural elements with the main focus being on structural steel and associated struct
Magneticle is a 3D OpenGL physical simulation that applies the Biot-Savart law to charged particles operating inside a magnetic field produced by a current-carrying wire modeled as an arbitrary space curve.
Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS
NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
A Blender python script which automatically creates masonry and stonework. Think castles and cobblestone streets! v0.56 is usable and available at the Download page. Current version supports windows, doors, radial, and domes.
OpenCTM is a file format, a software library and a tool set for compression of 3D triangle meshes. The geometry is compressed to a fraction of comparable file formats (3DS, STL, COLLADA...), and the format is accessible through a simple, portable API
La bibliothèque GLam est une suite de classes C++ exploitant les primitives OpenGL et GLU afin de favoriser la représentation rapide de figures 2D et de solides 3D de formes diverses...
ColladaCGF enables exporting 3D models into Crysis, using Crytek's resource compiler and Blender/Maya's Collada exporters. Import is partly supported as well, via the Python File Format Interface.
Device Independent Virtual Environment - Reconfigurable, Scalable, Extensible. A platform, device, and display independent API for developing 3D virtual environment (VE) applications. DIVERSE is comprised of DTK, DPF, DGL, and DADS.
The Open Descent Foundation (ODF) is a community for developers, who want to help to create open source programs, tools, etc. for the famous games Descent1, -2 or -3. Everyone can join the ODF if he accepts the idea of writing open source programs.
Panorama is a framework for 3D graphics production. This will include
modeling, rendering, animating, post-processing, etc. Animation is not currently supported, but will be added soon. It is officially part of the GNU project.
ZLang is a high level scripting language specialized for the DCC domain. it's DCC engine provides geometric primitives, mesh modifiers, key-framed animation and Physics Simulations. ZLang is interpreted and can be extended in C++
SceneEdit is an editor of scenes for the library OpenSceneGraph, which provides an open sourced scenegraph for games, scientific applications and real-time simulations, among others.
Develop a basic understanding of the behavior of polar spherical coordinates through selected examples. Provide sample files for diverse mathematics engines
A php script for generating Rubik's cube visualisations
These instructions are for installing the script on your own web server. If you do not have access to your own server, or would just like to try out the software, please visit:
You will need:
* Access to an Apache web server with PHP and ImageMagic installed.
* A MySQL database. This is optional, but will improve performance if you have a high traffic website.
1. Download the code using...