Showing 18 open source projects for "all-in-one"

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  • Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero Icon
    Accounting Software for Small Businesses | Xero

    Save 90% for 6 months on Xero's award-winning accounting and online bookkeeping platform for businesses of all sizes and stages of growth.

    Xero offers a robust ecosystem of connected apps and integrations with banks and financial institutions, enabling small businesses to access a wide range of solutions within Xero's open platform to streamline operations and manage finances. Additionally, accounting and bookkeeping firms benefit from efficient compliance tools, advanced practice management software, and a cloud-based unified accounting ledger for all clients, centralized in one place.
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  • JobNimbus Construction Software Icon
    JobNimbus Construction Software

    For Roofers, Remodelers, Contractors, Home Service Industry

    Track leads, jobs, and tasks from one easy to use software. You can access your information wherever you are, get everyone on the same page, and grow your business.
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  • 1


    Hot Reloading for Swift applications

    Hot reloading workflow helper that enables you to save hours of time each week, regardless if you are using UIKit, AppKit or SwiftUI. Hot reloading is a technique allowing you to get rid of compiling your whole application and avoiding deploy/restart cycles as much as possible, all while allowing you to edit your running application code and see changes reflected as close as possible to real-time. This makes you significantly more productive by reducing the time you spend waiting for apps...
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  • 2
    daisyUI 4

    daisyUI 4

    The most popular, free and open-source Tailwind CSS component library

    The most popular, free, and open-source component library for Tailwind CSS.daisyUI adds component class names to Tailwind CSS so you can make beautiful websites faster than ever. In a Tailwind CSS project, you need to write utility class names for every element. Thousands of class names just to style the most basic elements.
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  • 3


    Nothing but Cache

    Cache doesn't claim to be unique in this area, but it's not another monster library that gives you a god's power. It does nothing but caching, but it does it well. It offers a good public API with out-of-box implementations and great customization possibilities. Cache utilizes Codable in Swift 4 to perform serialization. The cache is built based on a Chain-of-responsibility pattern, in which there are many processing objects, each knows how to do 1 task and delegates to the next one, so can you...
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  • 4
    Hero iOS

    Hero iOS

    Elegant transition library for iOS & tvOS

    Hero is a library for building iOS view controller transitions. It provides a declarative layer on top of the UIKit’s cumbersome transition APIs—making custom transitions an easy task for developers. Hero is similar to Keynote’s Magic Move. It checks the heroID property on all source and destination views. Every matched view pair is then automatically transitioned from its old state to its new state. Hero can also construct animations for unmatched views. It is easy to define these animations...
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  • The Secure Workspace for Remote Work Icon
    The Secure Workspace for Remote Work

    Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.

    Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.
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  • 5


    A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info

    A Swift Runtime library for viewing type info, and the dynamic getting and setting of properties. Runtime is a Swift library to give you more runtime abilities, including getting type metadata, setting properties via reflection, and type construction for native swift objects. TypeInfo exposes metadata about native Swift structs, protocols, classes, tuples and enums. It captures the properties, generic types, inheritance levels, and more.
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  • 6
    Airbnb Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb's Swift Style Guide

    Airbnb's Swift Style Guide. Note that brevity is not a primary goal. Code should be made more concise only if other good code qualities (such as readability, simplicity, and clarity) remain equal or are improved. This repo includes a Swift Package Manager command plugin that you can use to automatically reformat or lint your package according to the style guide. To use this command plugin with your package, all you need to do is add this repo as a dependency.
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  • 7


    Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern

    Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern. Create an enum with all of the navigation paths for a particular flow, i.e. a group of closely connected scenes. (It is up to you when to create a Route/Coordinator. As our rule of thumb, create a new Route/Coordinator whenever a new root view controller, e.g. a new navigation controller or a tab bar controller, is needed.). Whereas the Route describes which routes can be triggered in a flow, the Coordinator is responsible...
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  • 8
    Vision Camera

    Vision Camera

    The Camera library that sees the vision

    VisionCamera was designed from the ground up to provide all features a camera app should have. You have full control over what device is used, and can even configure options such as frame rate, colorspace, and more. While having a lot of features, VisionCamera makes sure you don't get overwhelmed from the beginning. It provides hooks and functions to help you get started faster, and if you need full control, you can easily do that. Every functionality has been thoroughly documented and even...
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  • 9


    Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX

    Starscream is a conforming WebSocket (RFC 6455) library in Swift. Once imported, you can open a connection to your WebSocket server. Note that socket is probably best as a property, so it doesn't get deallocated right after being setup. After you are connected, there is either a delegate or closure you can use for process WebSocket events. The writeData method gives you a simple way to send Data (binary) data to the server. The writeString method is the same as writeData, but sends...
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  • Simplify Purchasing For Your Business Icon
    Simplify Purchasing For Your Business

    Manage what you buy and how you buy it with, so you have control over your time and money spent.

    Simplify every aspect of buying for your business in From sourcing products to scaling purchasing across locations to automating your AP and approvals workstreams, is the platform of choice for growing businesses.
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  • 10


    Type-safe time calculations in Swift

    Type-safe time calculations in Swift. Time is not just a bunch of Double conversion functions. The main advantage of it is that all time units are strongly-typed. Starting with Xcode 11, Time is officially available only via Swift Package Manager. Of course, you always have an option of just copying-and-pasting the code - Time is just two files, so feel free.
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  • 11


    A lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library

    Netfox provides a quick look on all executed network requests performed by your iOS or OSX app. It grabs all requests - of course yours, requests from 3rd party libraries (such as AFNetworking, Alamofire or else), UIWebViews, and more.
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  • 12


    Swift library to generate differences and patches between collections

    Differ generates the differences between Collection instances. There’s a lot more to calculating diffs than performing table view animations easily. Wherever you have code that propagates added/removed/moved callbacks from your model to your user interface, you should consider using a library that can calculate differences. Animating small batches of changes is usually going to be faster and provide a more responsive experience than reloading all of your data. Calculating and acting...
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  • 13


    iOS painting and drawing library based on Metal

    MaLiang is a painting framework based on Metal. It supports drawing and handwriting with customized textures. The name of "MaLiang" comes from a boy who had a magical brush in a Chinese ancient fairy story. A Canvas is the basic component of MaLiang. You will paint all things on it. Canvas extends from MetalView, which extends from MTKView. MetalView handles all the logic with MetalKit and hides them from you. MaLiang supports the automatic adjustment of stroke size with painting force. 3D...
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  • 14


    Fast and simple OCR library written in Swift

    SwiftOCR is a fast and simple OCR library written in Swift. It uses a neural network for image recognition. As of now, SwiftOCR is optimized for recognizing short, one-line long alphanumeric codes (e.g. DI4C9CM). We currently support iOS and OS X. If you want to recognize normal text like a poem or a news article, go with Tesseract, but if you want to recognize short, alphanumeric codes (e.g. gift cards), I would advise you to choose SwiftOCR because that's where it exceeds. Tesseract...
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  • 15


    A handy swift json-object serialization/deserialization library

    HandyJSON is a framework written in Swift which makes converting model objects( pure classes/structs ) to and from JSON easy on iOS. Compared with others, the most significant feature of HandyJSON is that it does not require the objects inherit from NSObject(not using KVC but reflection), nor implements a 'mapping' function(writing value to memory directly to achieve property assignment). HandyJSON is totally dependent on the memory layout rules inferred from Swift runtime code. We are...
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  • 16
    Swift AI

    Swift AI

    The Swift machine learning library

    Swift AI is a high-performance deep learning library written entirely in Swift. We currently offer support for all Apple platforms, with Linux support coming soon. Swift AI includes a collection of common tools used for artificial intelligence and scientific applications. A flexible, fully-connected neural network with support for deep learning. Optimized specifically for Apple hardware, using advanced parallel processing techniques. We've created some example projects to demonstrate the usage...
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  • 17
    Tiny Constraints

    Tiny Constraints

    Nothing but sugar

    TinyConstraints is the syntactic sugar that makes Auto Layout sweeter for human use.
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  • 18


    A UI controller that allows you to choose options from a list

    ... into working mobile, web, and VR apps. Recently, our mobile application developers have released a series of Swift controls, which quickly gained popularity among mobile developers on Github and allowed Ramotion to become the # 1 contributor to Swift projects on the platform.
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