Showing 370 open source projects for "x86_64-linux-gnu"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar Icon
    Extended Threat Intelligence | SOCRadar

    See what hackers already know about your organization – and stop them from getting in.

    Enterprises need full-spectrum cyber intelligence—beyond social media and the dark web. SOCRadar monitors cloud buckets, dark web leaks, and external threats in real time. Automate takedowns, detect brand impersonations, and stay ahead of evolving attacks. Strengthen your security with Extended Threat Intelligence.
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  • 1


    Full-featured library for writing Alfred 3 & 4 workflows

    Alfred-Workflow is a Python helper library for Alfred 2, 3 and 4 workflow authors, developed and hosted on GitHub. Alfred workflows typically take user input, fetch data from the Web or elsewhere, filter them and display results to the user. Alfred-Workflow takes care of a lot of the details for you, allowing you to concentrate your efforts on your workflow’s functionality. Alfred-Workflow supports macOS 10.7+ (Python 2.7). Easily launch background tasks (daemons) to keep your workflow...
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  • 2


    Deep Learning (Flower Book) mathematical derivation

    " Deep Learning " is the only comprehensive book in the field of deep learning. The full name is also called the Deep Learning AI Bible (Deep Learning) . It is edited by three world-renowned experts, Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. Includes linear algebra, probability theory, information theory, numerical optimization, and related content in machine learning. At the same time, it also introduces deep learning techniques used by practitioners in the industry, including...
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  • 3


    Pure Python Java parser and tools

    javalang is a pure Python library for working with Java source code. javalang provides a lexer and parser targeting Java 8. The implementation is based on the Java language spec.
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  • 4


    PySide QDbf

    PyQDbf PySide - QDbf Binding LGPL3 QDbf is Qt - DBF files QDbf: Read or Write Dbf files, but not create new table PySide is Python Binding for Qt Libraries
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 5


    A library and interface for controlling bluetooth LE devices

    bluetroller is a library and interface for controlling all kinds of bluetooth LE devices. A vast number of devices can be controlled via Bluetooth LE, including fitness trackers, lighting, camera sliders, gimbals and many more. Right now these devices can only be controlled via phone apps which are frequently buggy, unmaintained and will stop working after some future phone update. This project aims to grow to become an exhaustive library of these devices.
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  • 6
    Several language bindings for the FTDI D2XX driver used in FTDI's USB products. Currently supported languages are Python (pyd2xx), Java (jd2xx), CSharp (csd2xx) and LabVIEW (lvd2xx).
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  • 7


    An Efficient Binary data Format

    EBF, which stands for Efficient Binary Format, is a binary file format for reading and writing binary data easily. Reading writing routines are currently available in C,C++,Fortran,Java, Python, IDL, MATLAB. A program called ebftkpy which has a set of utility functions to work with the .ebf files , e.g., viewing the contents and getting a summary, is also provided. The EBF specification is designed to be concise and easy to understand to make it easier for others to write their own code...
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  • 8


    ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library

    ChainerRL (this repository) is a deep reinforcement learning library that implements various state-of-the-art deep reinforcement algorithms in Python using Chainer, a flexible deep learning framework. PFRL is the PyTorch analog of ChainerRL. ChainerRL has a set of accompanying visualization tools in order to aid developers' ability to understand and debug their RL agents. With this visualization tool, the behavior of ChainerRL agents can be easily inspected from a browser UI. Environments...
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  • 9


    Reinforced Recommendation toolkit built around pytorch 1.7

    This is my school project. It focuses on Reinforcement Learning for personalized news recommendation. The main distinction is that it tries to solve online off-policy learning with dynamically generated item embeddings. I want to create a library with SOTA algorithms for reinforcement learning recommendation, providing the level of abstraction you like.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 10


    Python Helper library for Jupyter Notebooks

    PixieDust is an open source Python helper library that works as an add-on to Jupyter notebooks to improve the user experience of working with data. It also fills a gap for users who have no access to configuration files when a notebook is hosted on the cloud.
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    Solver ReCaptcha v2 Free

    An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by images/audio using Mozilla's DeepSpeech, PocketSphinx, Microsoft Azure’s, Google Speech and Amazon's Transcribe Speech-to-Text API. Also image recognition to detect the object suggested in the captcha. Built with Pyppeteer for Chrome automation framework and similarities to Puppeteer, PyDub for easily converting MP3 files into WAV, aiohttp for async minimalistic web-server, and Python’s built-in AsyncIO for convenience.
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  • 12
    PyTorch Natural Language Processing

    PyTorch Natural Language Processing

    Basic Utilities for PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP)

    PyTorch-NLP is a library for Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Python. It’s built with the very latest research in mind, and was designed from day one to support rapid prototyping. PyTorch-NLP comes with pre-trained embeddings, samplers, dataset loaders, metrics, neural network modules and text encoders. It’s open-source software, released under the BSD3 license. With your batch in hand, you can use PyTorch to develop and train your model using gradient descent. For example, check out...
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  • 13


    A Python program/library aimed at GD-ROM image files.

    This Python program/library is designed to handle GD-ROM image (GDI) files. It can be used to list files, extract data, generate sorttxt file, extract bootstrap (IP.BIN) file and more. This project can be used in standalone mode, in interactive mode or as a library in another Python program (check the 'addons' folder to learn how). For your convenience, you can use the GUI program supplied in the Files section (optional). To use this project you must install the Python...
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  • 14


    Open Source Smart RPA

    Fully automate all of your tedious, manual tasks with Automagica! Automagica is a Smart Robotic Process Automation (SRPA) platform capable of automating a slew of cross-platform processes. It’s a very easy-to-use, comprehensive and consistent automation library that lets you automate just about anything, from mouse clicks and folder and file manipulation, through to Microsoft Office automation, business app automation, webscraping and so much more! Automagica offers a plethora of official...
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  • 15
    Python Bible Reading Module

    Python Bible Reading Module

    Python Bible Reading Module is an open source python module.

    Python Bible Reading Module ( PBRM ) is an open source python module. It's designed in python 3, but should be compatible with python 2 . This module allows you to easily import different versions of the bible into your code.
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    Select items from JSON by using JPath syntax

    Package ``jpathpy`` is easy way for selecting items from objects, that can be iterate by keys or indices (such as dictionaries or lists). See full doc at <>.
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    Calendar widget for Tkinter

    tkcalendar is a python module that provides the Calendar and DateEntry widgets for Tkinter. The DateEntry widget is similar to a Combobox, but the drop-down is not a list but a Calendar to select a date. tkcalendar is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. It support all locale settings supported by the system and the colors are customizable.
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    Minecraft-client networking library in Python

    Minecraft Python Client Library. This project aims to be a modern, Python3-compatible, well-documented library for communication with a Minecraft server. Although pyCraft is compatible any supported server, only a subset of all packets are currently decoded or encoded by the library: those necessary to remain connected to the server, those used for chat, and some others.
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  • 19


    Classical Aerodynamics of potential flow using Python

    The AeroPython series of lessons is the core of a university course (Aerodynamics-Hydrodynamics, MAE-6226) by Prof. Lorena A. Barba at the George Washington University. The first version ran in Spring 2014 and these Jupyter Notebooks were prepared for that class, with assistance from Barba-group PhD student Olivier Mesnard. In Spring 2015, we revised and extended the collection, adding student assignments to strengthen the learning experience. The course is also supported by an open learning...
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  • 20

    Optimized Storage for temporal Data

    open Optimized Storage of time series data

    Beta version. Base class for optimized storage of time series data. Uses any kind of relational database. Cross plateform with multiple languages (C++, C#, Java). Conditional storage based on value variation : DeltaValue and DeltaTime params. Get back data without losts.
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  • 21
    Django REST Pandas

    Django REST Pandas

    Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework

    Django REST Pandas (DRP) provides a simple way to generate and serve pandas DataFrames via the Django REST Framework. The resulting API can serve up CSV (and a number of other formats for consumption by a client-side visualization tool like d3.js. The design philosophy of DRP enforces a strict separation between data and presentation. This keeps the implementation simple, but also has the nice side effect of making it trivial to provide the source data for your visualizations. This...
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  • 22


    Pyside QtRPT

    Pyside QtRPT Python Binding for QtRPT (PySide Shiboken) QtRPT Report Engine Python Report License LGPL3 compatible with QtRPT (see license) """QtRPT is the easy-to-use print report engine written in C++ QtToolkit. It allows combining several reports in one XML file. For separately taken field, you can specify some condition depending on which this field will display in different font and background color, etc. The project consists of two parts: report library QtRPT and...
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    Python package for develop an SDI/MDI application and set of widgets.

    =========== pytkapp =========== Python package for develop an application that provide multi-documents/single-document interface with using of tkinter library and set of additional tkinter widgets. See available demos: pytkapp/demo/ - run GUI demo for option's container (available widgets, rules) pytkapp/demo/ - run demo of MDI application pytkapp/demo/ - run demo of SDI application pytkapp/demo/
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  • 24
    Teach Me Quantum

    Teach Me Quantum

    Practical Course on Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computing

    A university-level course on Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Science that incorporates IBM Q Experience and Qiskit. This course is adequate for general audiences without prior knowledge on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computing (see prior knowledge), has an estimated average duration of 10 weeks at 3h/week (see duration), and is meant to be the entrypoint into the Quantum World.
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    Create Siri Shortcuts with Python

    python-shortcuts is a library to create Siri Shortcuts on your laptop with your favorite text editor. It uses toml to represent shortcuts. The library is in a very early development state (PR welcome!), so it does not support all actions from the Shortcuts app.
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