Full-featured library for writing Alfred 3 & 4 workflows
Deep Learning (Flower Book) mathematical derivation
Pure Python Java parser and tools
PySide QDbf
A library and interface for controlling bluetooth LE devices
An Efficient Binary data Format
ChainerRL is a deep reinforcement learning library
Reinforced Recommendation toolkit built around pytorch 1.7
Python Helper library for Jupyter Notebooks
Solver ReCaptcha v2 Free
Basic Utilities for PyTorch Natural Language Processing (NLP)
A Python program/library aimed at GD-ROM image files.
Open Source Smart RPA
Python Bible Reading Module is an open source python module.
Select items from JSON by using JPath syntax
Calendar widget for Tkinter
Minecraft-client networking library in Python
Classical Aerodynamics of potential flow using Python
open Optimized Storage of time series data
Serves up Pandas dataframes via the Django REST Framework
Pyside QtRPT
Python package for develop an SDI/MDI application and set of widgets.
Practical Course on Quantum Information Science and Quantum Computing
Create Siri Shortcuts with Python