Partition Clonning Tool
Library of linguistic tools
IoC and Dependency Injection Container for the C++ Qt framework
Usable package of PHP classes, that gives variety usefull interfaces.
The LibPFP is an implementation of the Php functions in Python.
The main task is an independent API for KDE and Qt
A Java Chart Library
UI components for apache wicket
DataAnnotations & IValidatableObject Support for WPF
Set of STL-compatible ICU-based locale facets.
Qt based system tray icon for Java.
Easy CRUD is an Application Arquitecture
Open Source Code Simple Test of Microsoft .NET C# using NE Builder
Widgets library in Qt/QML
C++ Tcl interface library
Qt Run On System StartUp C++
STALLioN is a cross-platform C/C++ I/O library for CLI applications
A tool and library to gather the Google Page Rank of web pages.
JDBC Connection Pool Manager