Showing 30 open source projects for "shell script library"

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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • 1


    The original Lightbox script (v2)

    Lightbox is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. Lightbox2 has been tested successfully in the following browsers, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, iOS Safari, iOS Chrome, Android Browser, and Android Chrome. The lightbox-plus-jquery.js file includes jQuery v2.x and supports IE 9+. If you want to support IE 6, 7, and 8, use your own copy of jQuery v1.x with lightbox.js. Lightbox is free...
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  • 2


    Barcode generation library written in JavaScript

    JsBarcode is a barcode generator written in JavaScript. It supports multiple barcode formats and works in browsers and with Node.js. It has no dependencies when it is used for the web but works with jQuery if you are into that. Barcode generation library written in JavaScript that works in both the browser and on Node.js. Easy to use, yet powerful barcode generator for the web and Node.js. Download the library and include the script or use the CDN. Customize the barcode with the 17 different...
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  • 3


    Drag and drop website builder javascript library

    Drag and drop website builder javascript library. Components and blocks/snippets drag and drop. Undo/Redo operations. One or two panels interface. File manager and component hierarchy navigation. Add a new page. Live code editor. Image upload with example PHP script included. Page download or export HTML or save the page on the server with example PHP script included. Components/Blocks list search. Bootstrap 4 components. Youtube, Google maps, Charts.js, etc widgets. By default, the editor...
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  • 4
    React Native Vector Icons

    React Native Vector Icons

    Customizable Icons for React Native with full styling

    Perfect for buttons, logos and nav/tab bars. Easy to extend, style and integrate into your project. If you want to use any of the bundled icons, you need to add the icon fonts to your Xcode project. For each platform (iOS/Android/Windows) you plan to use, follow one of the options for the corresponding platform. Upgrading this package often requires the font files linked to your projects to be updated as well. If the automatic linking works for you, running this again should update the...
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  • The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse Icon
    The Fastest Analytics Database for Observability, ML, and GenAI | ClickHouse

    Unlock faster queries without skyrocketing costs.

    ClickHouse powers businesses with the fastest open-source OLAP database, built for rapid analytics, observability, and business intelligence. Deploy on AWS, GCP, or your own VPC with BYOC, and query billions of rows in seconds – all cost-efficiently. Trusted by Sony, Lyft, and Cisco, it delivers unmatched speed, seamless stack integration, and enterprise-grade performance. Turn massive datasets into decisions with ClickHouse.
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  • 5


    Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules

    ... the result runs in 95% of web browsers without needing to be transpiled. Specifically, it uses Babel's "bugfixes" mode (previously known as preset-modules) to target the set of browsers that support <script type="module"> - that allows syntax like async/await, tagged templates, arrow functions, destructured and rest parameters, etc. The result is generally smaller and faster to execute than the plain esm bundle.
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  • 6
    Keen UI

    Keen UI

    A lightweight Vue.js UI library with a simple API

    Keen UI is a Vue.js UI library with a simple API, inspired by Google's Material Design. Keen UI is not a CSS framework. Therefore, it doesn't include styles for a grid system, typography, etc. Instead, the focus is on interactive components that require Javascript. You should be able to use Keen UI with any page layout, structure, or CSS framework.
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  • 7
    multiOTP open source

    multiOTP open source

    PHP strong authentication library, web interface & CLI, OATH certified

    multiOTP is a PHP class, a powerful command line utility and a web interface developed by SysCo systèmes de communication sa in order to provide a completely free and easy operating system independent server side implementation for strong two factors authentication solution. multiOTP supports hardware and software tokens with different One-Time Password algorithms like OATH/HOTP, OATH/TOTP and mOTP (Mobile-OTP). QRcode generation is also embedded in order to support provisioning of Google...
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  • 8


    PHP library for building website in Fedora Linux

    此專案的目的是要建立簡單、易用、參數說明完整且富有調整性的PHP元件庫,讓網頁程式設計開發者可以輕鬆地建立客製化的網站。 套用當代的術語而言,就是要作為LOW CODE平台的函式庫。
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  • 9


    dat.gui is a lightweight controller library for JavaScript

    .... With the npm run build script you can build development and production version of scripts. And with the npm run dev script you can build development version of script and watch for changes.
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  • Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial Icon
    Power Up Your AI with Databricks – Free Trial

    Ready to revolutionize your data and AI game? Test Databricks free on your cloud of choice and see the difference.

    Take your data and AI to the next level with Databricks – free trial on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud. Create production-ready Generative AI apps that are accurate, secure, and tailored to your business. Simplify data ingestion from hundreds of sources with effortless ETL automation. Plus, tap into instant, elastic serverless compute during your trial (available on AWS/Azure). Sign up with your work email now to unlock premium trial perks and transform how you work with data – don’t wait!
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  • 10


    SVG patterns for data visualization

    Textures.js is a JavaScript library for creating SVG patterns. Made on top of d3.js, it is designed for data visualization. Import textures.js from NPM. You can also use textures.js in your HTML page with a <script> tag by downloading textures.js to a local folder or by using the Unpkg CDN network. Textures.js can be used alongside d3.
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  • 11


    JavaScript library to make drawing animation on SVG

    Vivus is a lightweight JavaScript class (with no dependencies) that allows you to animate SVGs, giving them the appearence of being drawn. There are a variety of different animations available, as well as the option to create a custom script to draw your SVG in whatever way you like. Every path element is drawn at the same time with a small delay at the start. This is currently the default animation. Each line is drawn synchronously. They all start and finish at the same time, hence the name...
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  • 12


    Add a dark-mode / night-mode to your website in a few seconds

    Darkmode.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that enables websites to easily implement a dark mode toggle. It provides a floating switch for users to switch between light and dark themes without requiring major modifications to the website’s codebase.
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  • 13


    Enjoyable content drag-to-scroll library

    Enjoyable drag-to-scroll micro-library (~2KB gzipped). Supports smooth content scroll via mouse/touch dragging, trackpad or mouse wheel. Zero dependencies. Easy to setup yet flexible enough to support any custom scrolling logic.
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  • 14


    Full featured promise library with unmatched performance

    Bluebird is a fully featured promise library with focus on innovative features and performance. Promises in Node.js 10 are significantly faster than before. Bluebird still includes a lot of features like cancellation, iteration methods and warnings that native promises don't. If you are using Bluebird for performance rather than for those - please consider giving native promises a shot and running the benchmarks yourself. When using script tags the global variables Promise and P (alias...
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  • 15


    xkcd styled chart lib

    Chart.xkcd is a chart library plots “sketchy”, “cartoony” or “hand-drawn” styled charts. It’s easy to get started with chart.xkcd. All that’s required is the script included in your page along with a single <svg> node to render the chart. You can install chart.xkcd via script tag in HTML or via npm. Line chart displays series of data points in the form of lines. It can be used to show trend data, or comparison of different data sets. XY chart is used to plot points by specifying their XY...
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  • 16
    Common Litt

    Common Litt

    Simple java script library for auto literation, input tool.

    This project focuses of auto conversion in between language alphabets. Using this 'lit.js' library currently you can done conversion in between English - Tamil - Sinhala scrpits vise-versa. This is use full when you need to know how write something in an other given language. This is still at development stage but works purfectly and easy to customize as well. Live demo available at: For UI creations I had used Bootstrap and Jquery. For easy array creation...
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  • 17


    A cascading grid layout plugin

    Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet. All sizing and styling of items is handled by your own CSS. tem sizes can be set with percentages for responsive layouts. With the masonry layout mode, set percentage-width columnWidth with element sizing. Set percentPosition: true so item positions are likewise set...
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    Composable Charting Library based on reusable D3.js components

    Britecharts is a client-side reusable Charting Library based on D3.js v5 that offers easy and intuitive use of charts and components that can be composed together to create amazing visualizations. Britecharts components have been written in ES2016 with a Test Driven methodology, so they are fully tested, and we are committed to keeping them that way. The typical use of Britecharts involves creating a chart using its simple API, then rendering it on a container that has previously had data...
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  • 19


    A smart framework to developing sites and web applications

    [This project has been discontinued but you can use ALL versions created] UltraPlugin.js is the ultra smart powerful union of a data library containing a large proportion of functions that allows the user to develop web sites and applications in a pleasant and fast way with a framework that creates several possibilities by joining Html, Css and Visual Basic Script with the JS itself and allowing several new types of elements. This project is totally open-source and has a natural development so...
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    A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library

    A complete fully tested and documented data structure library written in pure JavaScript. Buckets also includes several functions for manipulating arrays. A bag is a special kind of set in which members are allowed to appear more than once. Binary search trees keep their elements in sorted order, so that lookup and other operations can use the principle of binary search. Dictionaries map keys to values, each key can map to at most one value. A heap is a binary tree that maintains the heap...
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  • 21


    JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps

    ... visualization library on the web. It has a light footprint (~3kB gzip) and with the new 2.0 release heatmap.js just got faster and better. With only a few lines of code you can create your own interactive web heatmap. heatmap.js' API is all documented, also prioritized, so you can start developing right away! Heatmap.js is not a user behaviour tracking script. It simply creates dynamic heatmaps based on the data you feed it.
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  • 22


    The most comprehensive library of Javascript i18n classes available

    ... locales. Everything in iLib is written in pure JS with minimal platform dependencies, so it works the same way in many different environments and browsers, from Chrome to Opera to node to Qt/QML. Over 17K unit tests help to guarantee this. ILib is also the library of choice for enyo apps on webOS which ships on over 10 million LG SmartTVs in over 135 countries. Give it a try and see if it can work for your app too!
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    Image Map Resize

    Image Map Resize

    Responsive HTML Image Maps

    This is a simple library that makes HTML Image Maps responsive so that they automatically stay scaled to the size of the image they are attached to. It detects the window being resized and updates the coordinates of the image map accordingly. This library can be used with or without jQuery.
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  • 24


    A tiny JavaScript library for making content editable beautiful

    Medium.js keeps HTML code within content editable semantic, simple, and clean. Medium.js also supports placeholders, automatic HR (or BR, or P) creation, events, hotkeys, simple & complex element injection, and more! Medium.js is html5 compliant and has been tested in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, & IE8+. Browser support is constantly improving! This script is inspired by Medium's beautiful content editor, something we have aspired to emulate since its inception. Much more expressive...
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  • 25


    Deep learning in Javascript to train convolutional neural networks

    ... and train Convolutional Networks that process images, and experimental Reinforcement Learning modules, based on Deep Q Learning. The library allows you to formulate and solve Neural Networks in Javascript. If you would like to add features to the library, you will have to change the code in src/ and then compile the library into the build/ directory. The compilation script simply concatenates files in src/ and then minifies the result.
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