The modern Essentials suite for Spigot and Paper
Intel® RealSense SDK
JavaScript/TypeScript/Python/C#/PHP cryptocurrency trading API
Apache Log4net is a versatile, feature-rich, efficient logging API
Open Source UI Kit built on top of Bootstrap 5 and plain JavaScript
Internet-in-a-Box, build your own library of Alexandria
Track your favorite TV shows and movies on Android devices
A C library for asynchronous DNS requests
Android FHIR SDK, a set of Kotlin libraries for building offline apps
GitHub Actions runner images
A time travelling programming language
The Most Complete React UI Component Library
Your new smart clipboard manager
Common sensor library
iText for .NET is the .NET version of the iText library
Boilerplate-free Kotlin config library for loading configuration files
Android Chat SDK ➜ Stream Chat API. UI component libraries for chat
Libraries for running GraphQL in Kotlin
OWASP Coraza WAF is a golang modsecurity compatible firewall library
Hacktoberfest OPEN FIRST Pull Request
A colored formatter for the python logging module
Integrate both the native php-imap module and an extended custom imap
Dependabot's core logic for creating update PR's
A library to imitate the iOS 10 Maps UI
An extremely fast, production-grade web bundler based on Rust