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Find out just how much your login box can do for your customer | Auth0
With over 53 social login options, you can fast-track the signup and login experience for users.
From improving customer experience through seamless sign-on to making MFA as easy as a click of a button – your login box must find the right balance between user convenience, privacy and security.
Google launcher-style implementation of switch (enable/disable) icon
Google launcher-style implementation of switch (enable/disable) icon. This library is compatible from API 15 (Android 4.0.3). SwitchIconView extends from AppCompatImageView so you can set icon with app:srcCompat. Set any icon (vector or image) to SwitchIconView and enjoy a switchable icon in your app. Use app:si_tint_color to set color to icon. The default color is black. Use app:si_animation_duration if you want to change switching state animation duration. Use app:si_no_dash if you don't want...