GraphQL for Java with Spring Boot made easy
LINE Messaging API SDK for Java
A beautiful material calendar with endless scroll, range selection
Compose Multiplatform, a modern UI framework for Kotlin
KorGE Game Engine. Multiplatform Kotlin Game Engine & Korlibs
Missing I18N/L10N (internationalization/localization) multiplatform
The Wikimedia Commons Android app allows users to upload pictures
Pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
Boilerplate-free Kotlin config library for loading configuration files
The Android Developer Roadmap offers comprehensive learning paths
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin
A Kotlin web framework
Pure Kotlin CSV Reader/Writerx
Kotlin Multiplatform Statemachine library with nice DSL based on Flow
Easy-to-use customisable show case view with circular reveal animation
Minimalistic audiobook player
Material Design Samples
Know about real-time state of a Android app Permissions
Kotlin library that makes it easy to build and execute queries
Easily build reactive web-apps in Kotlin based on flows and coroutines
A new way to implement navigation in your app
JVM - Java, Kotlin, Scala image processing library
Mavericks, Android on Autopilot
openHAB client for Android
Yet Another Validation for Java