Open source note taking and to-do app with synchronization
Powerful rich text editor framework with a modular architecture
Most Popular developer tool for frontend developers
Remote isolated browser API for security
CoreUI React is a free React admin template based on Bootstrap 5
Automation for iOS, Android, and Windows Apps
Modular standard library for JavaScript
A better aria2 desktop frontend than AriaNg, containing all features
API server module for Node/Express
Cloud Commander file manager for the web with console and editor
Transport-based cross-browser bi-directional communication layer
Classic modular front-end UI framework
Isomorphic admin dashboard template
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js
qooxdoo - Universal JavaScript Framework
A Node.js tool to automate end-to-end web testing
Customizable set of components for React Native applications
AWS SDK for JavaScript in the browser and Node.js
Open source admin template based on Bootstrap 5 and Vue 3
React components for building interactive data visualizations
Ignite UI for jQuery by Infragistics
Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps
Development platform to generate and deploy modern web apps
The warehouse's SpringBoot-based rights management system
Open source code library for building innovative websites