Web app for browsing, reading and downloading eBooks stored in Calibre
Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
Fidus Writer is an online collaborative editor for academics
svg editor: Easily create documents for math, physics, chemistry...
Do calculations, annotate it like you would on a paper "qwikly".
The next generation e-book reader.
Enhanced eBooks in the browser
Out of Africa comes KwaMoja. A fresh start for webERP!
Nash Operating System for Modern Ecommerce
FreelancerBooks -Project Management for Freelancers and Agencies
Simple, web-based address & phone book
EBook Management
A book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
Keep track of all your job costs, make sure you don't lose money
FOSS Ebook Server, With no windowing requirements
Free software for bookshops.