Showing 286 open source projects for "file converter to html"

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  • Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS Icon
    Monitor the status and performance of any IT environment with NMIS

    NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide, The NMIS platform offers comprehensive network management, handling faults, performance, and configurations with ease.
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  • Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem. Icon
    Secure remote access solution to your private network, in the cloud or on-prem.

    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    OpenVPN is here to bring simple, flexible, and cost-effective secure remote access to companies of all sizes, regardless of where their resources are located.
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  • 1


    HTML Loader

    ... and attributes. By default, the parser in html-loader interprets content inside noscript tags as #text, so processing of content inside this tag will be ignored. A very common scenario is exporting the HTML into their own .html file, to serve them directly instead of injecting with javascript.
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    Bootstrap Icons

    Bootstrap Icons

    Open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap

    ... icons within the HTML of your page (as opposed to an external image file). Here we’ve used a custom width and height. Use the SVG sprite to insert any icon through the <use> element. Use the icon’s filename as the fragment identifier (e.g., toggles is #toggles). SVG sprites allow you to reference an external file similar to an <img> element, but with the power of currentColor for easy theming.
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    tabler icons

    tabler icons

    1950 free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons

    ... paste the content of the icon file into your HTML code to display it on the page. Import the icon and render it in your component. You can adjust SVG properties through React props. Angular components are available through the angular-tabler-icons package. Vue components are available through the vue-tabler-icons package. Install the package, import the icon component and render it in your component. You can adjust SVG properties by passing regular HTML attributes.
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    Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool

    Web Extension for Firefox/Chrome/MS Edge and CLI tool to save a faithful copy of an entire web page in a single HTML file. SingleFile is a Web Extension (and a CLI tool) compatible with Chrome, Firefox (Desktop and Mobile), Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi, Brave, Waterfox, Yandex Browser, and Opera. It helps you to save a complete web page into a single HTML file. Wait until the page is fully loaded. Click on the SingleFile button in the extension toolbar to save the page. You can click again...
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  • Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook Icon
    Hackers Hate This: Free WAF for Dummies eBook

    Are your applications exposed to relentless cyber threats? Lock them down with expert know-how.

    Unveil the ultimate guide to Web Application Firewalls (WAFs). Packed with expert tips, real-world solutions, and step-by-step strategies, this eBook from F5 empowers you to shield your web apps and APIs from today’s toughest threats. Don’t wait for a breach – grab your free copy now and fortify your defenses today!
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    Mazer Dashboard

    Mazer Dashboard

    Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template

    Free Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template. Fresh and elegant-looking admin template that you can use both personal and commercial use. Mazer is an Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. Made with Bootstrap 5. No jQuery dependency. Download zip or clone the repository with cli. You can customize the template with only custom the scss file. Every component has its own scss files. Go ahead to the scss file and edit.
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    Markdown PDF

    Markdown PDF

    Markdown converter for Visual Studio Code

    This extension converts Markdown files to PDF, HTML, PNG or JPEG files.
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    LaTeX.css is a library that makes your website look like a LaTeX doc

    This almost class-less CSS library turns your HTML document into a website that looks like a LATEX document. Write semantic HTML, and you are good to go. The source code can be found on GitHub. LaTeX.css is a minimal, almost class-less CSS library that makes any website look like a LaTeX document. Add any optional classes to elements with special styles (author subtitle, abstract, lemmas, theorems, etc.). The labels of theorems, definitions, lemmas and proofs can be changed to other supported...
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    AriaNg Native

    AriaNg Native

    A better aria2 desktop frontend than AriaNg, containing all features

    AriaNg is a modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use. AriaNg is written in pure HTML & javascript, thus it does not need any compilers or runtime environment. You can just put AriaNg in your web server and open it in your browser. AriaNg uses a responsive layout and supports any desktop or mobile device. Pure Html & Javascript, no runtime required. Responsive design, supporting desktop and mobile devices. User-friendly interface. Sort tasks (by name, size, progress, remaining time...
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    A modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use

    AriaNg is a modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use. AriaNg is written in pure html & javascript, thus it does not need any compilers or runtime environment. You can just put AriaNg in your web server and open it in your browser. AriaNg uses responsive layout, and supports any desktop or mobile devices. Sort tasks (by name, size, progress, remaining time, download speed, etc.), files, bittorrent peers. Search tasks, and retry tasks. Adjust task order by dragging. More information...
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  • The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor Icon
    The Fastest Observability Platform for IT, Apps, and Cloud | LogicMonitor

    Overwhelmed by tech chaos? Unify your teams with real-time visibility and predictability.

    LogicMonitor’s SaaS-based observability platform empowers ITOps, developers, MSPs, and business leaders to monitor networks, applications, and cloud environments seamlessly. Gain full data center visibility, powerful dashboards, and flexible alerting to bridge the gap between tech and teams – all with AI-driven insights. Trusted by leading enterprises, LogicMonitor cuts troubleshooting time, boosts innovation, and delivers extraordinary employee and customer experiences. Transform IT operations with a solution built for modern businesses.
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  • 10


    An HTML to Markdown converter written in JavaScript

    Convert HTML into Markdown with JavaScript. to-markdown has been renamed to Turndown. See the migration guide for details. For usage with RequireJS, UMD versions are located in lib/turndown.umd.js (for Node.js) and lib/turndown.browser.umd.js for browser usage. These files are generated when the npm package is published. To generate them manually, clone this repo and run npm run build. Turndown also accepts DOM nodes as input (either element nodes, document nodes, or document fragment nodes...
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  • 11


    Console for mobile browsers

    With Eruda you can display JavaScript logs, check dom state, show requests status, show localStorage, cookie information, show url, user agent info, include snippets used most often, Html, js, css source viewer, and install. The JavaScript file size is quite huge(about 100kb gzipped) and therefore not suitable to include in mobile pages. It's recommended to make sure eruda is loaded only when eruda is set to true. When initialization, a configuration object can be passed in. Container element...
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  • 12


    Drag and drop website builder javascript library

    Drag and drop website builder javascript library. Components and blocks/snippets drag and drop. Undo/Redo operations. One or two panels interface. File manager and component hierarchy navigation. Add a new page. Live code editor. Image upload with example PHP script included. Page download or export HTML or save the page on the server with example PHP script included. Components/Blocks list search. Bootstrap 4 components. Youtube, Google maps, Charts.js, etc widgets. By default, the editor...
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  • 13


    A command-line tool to turn web pages into beautiful, readable PDF

    Percollate is a command-line tool that turns web pages into beautifully formatted PDF, EPUB, or HTML files. By default, percollate processes URLs in parallel. Use the --wait option to process them sequentially instead, with a pause between items. The delay is specified in seconds, and can be zero. By default, percollate bundles all web pages in a single file. Use the --individual flag to export each source to a separate file. Additional CSS styles you can pass from the command line to override...
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    Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites

    With each web page, device and browser, testing time grows exponentially. From live reloads to URL pushing, form replication to click mirroring, Browsersync cuts out repetitive manual tasks. It’s like an extra pair of hands. Customise an array of sync settings from the UI or command line to create a personalised test environment. Need more control? Browsersync is easily integrated with your web platform, build tools, and other Node.js projects. Built on Node.JS_ENTRY to support Windows,...
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    Password protect a static HTML page

    StatiCrypt uses AES-256 and WebCrypto to encrypt your HTML file with your long password and return a static page including a password prompt and the javascript decryption logic that you can safely upload anywhere (see what the page looks like). This means you can password protect the content of your public static HTML file, without any back-end - serving it over Netlify, GitHub pages, etc. You can encrypt a file online in your browser (client side). StatiCrypt uses WebCrypto to generate...
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  • 16


    Single File Component loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files

    Single File Component Loader for Vue2 and Vue3. Load .vue files directly from your HTML. No node.js environment, no build step. No node.js environment, no (webpack) build step needed. Supports Vue 3 and Vue 2. Supports IE11, only requires Vue runtime-only build. esm and umd bundles are available. Embedded ES6 modules support. JSX support. Custom CSS, HTML and Script language Support, see pug and stylus examples. SFC Custom Blocks support. Properly reports template, style or script errors...
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  • 17


    Easy to audit, zero-dependencies and build-tool-free

    A low-profile component framework. 1 file. 1 class. ~350 lines of code. No build tools are required. Native web components. Ideal for JAM stacks. Identical on client & server. Composition oriented. Event delegation by default. Lots of examples. Building a component with Tonic starts by creating a function or a class. The class should have at least one method named render which returns a template literal of HTML. onic is a thin wrapper around web components. Web components require a name...
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    A curated collection of all country flags in SVG

    ..., so you will have to set manually the correct size of 4 by 3 ratio or if it's squared add also the flag-icon-squared class. To have only specific countries in the css file, remove the ones that you don't need from the flag-icons-list.less file and build it again.
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    A low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files

    ... on the generation of an HTML example document along with your sprite. For an up-to-date list of browsers supporting SVG in general respectively SVG fragment identifiers in particular. Being a low-level library with support for Node.js streams, svg-sprite doesn't take on the part of accessing the file system (i.e. reading the source SVGs from and writing the sprites and CSS files to disk).
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    OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation

    Redoc is an open source tool for generating documentation from OpenAPI (formerly Swagger) definitions. With Redoc, you can generate beautiful API documentation from OpenAPI. Redoc is provided as a CLI tool (also distributed as a Docker image), HTML tag, and React component. If you have Node installed, quickly generate documentation using npx. Open the HTML file in your browser, and your API documentation is shown on the page. Redoc is highly configurable. Redoc offers OpenAPI specification...
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  • 21


    jquery tree plugin

    jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. It is absolutely free, open-source and distributed under the MIT license. jsTree is easily extendable, themable and configurable, it supports HTML & JSON data sources and AJAX loading. jsTree functions properly in either box-model (content-box or border-box), can be loaded as an AMD module, and has a built in mobile theme for responsive design, that can easily be customized. It uses jQuery's event system, so binding callbacks on various...
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    Juice inlines CSS stylesheets into your HTML source

    Given HTML, juice will inline your CSS properties into the style attribute. Juice has a number of functions based on whether you want to process a file, HTML string, or a cheerio document, and whether you want the juice to automatically get remote stylesheets, scripts, and image dataURIs to inline. To inline HTML without getting remote resources, using default options. Juice is exposed as a standard module, and from CLI with a smaller set of options.
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    An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x./3.x

    An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x or Bootstrap 4.x or Bootstrap 3.x with file preview for various files, offers multiple selection, and more. The plugin allows you a simple way to setup an advanced file picker/upload control built to work specially with Bootstrap CSS3 styles. It enhances the file input functionality further, by offering support to preview a wide variety of files i.e. images, text, html, video, audio, flash, and objects. In addition, it includes AJAX based uploads...
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  • 24


    Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML

    Minimal CSS Framework for semantic HTML. Elegant styles for all native HTML elements without .classes and dark mode automatically enabled. Pico uses simple native HTML tags as much as possible. Less than 10 .classes are used in Pico. No dependencies, package manager, external files, or JavaScript. Elegant and consistent adaptive spacings and typography on all devices. Shipped with two beautiful color themes, automatically enabled according to the user preference. We use simple native HTML tags...
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    Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown

    A open-source (GPL-3) R package to facilitate writing books and long-form articles/reports with R Markdown. Generate printer-ready books and ebooks from R Markdown documents. A markup language easier to learn than LaTeX, and to write elements such as section headers, lists, quotes, figures, tables, and citations. Multiple choices of output formats: PDF, LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, and Word. Possibility of including dynamic graphics and interactive applications (HTML widgets and Shiny apps) Support...
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