Showing 361 open source projects for "rexx/json"

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  • Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now Icon
    Is your data on the dark web? Scan free now

    Instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels.

    With SOCRadar Labs’s Dark Web Report, instantly find out if your data has been exposed on dark web forums, black market, leak sites, or Telegram channels. SOCRadar gives you instant access to the dark web findings of your organization assets in the Free Dark Web Report. Don’t be intimidated by what you see in our free Dark Web report! You can use SOCRadar for free for 1 year and get relevant intelligence that will keep you one step ahead of threat actors.
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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

    With up to 25k MAUs and unlimited Okta connections, our Free Plan lets you focus on what you do best—building great apps.

    You asked, we delivered! Auth0 is excited to expand our Free and Paid plans to include more options so you can focus on building, deploying, and scaling applications without having to worry about your secuirty. Auth0 now, thank yourself later.
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  • 1


    The static code analysis tool you need for your HTML

    Static code analysis tool you need for your HTML. By default, htmlhint looks for a .htmlhintrc file in the current directory and all parent directories and applies its rules when parsing a file.
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  • 2
    React Rails

    React Rails

    Integrate React.js with Rails views and controllers

    React-Rails is a flexible tool to use React with Rails. If you use Jbuilder to pass a JSON string to react_component, make sure your JSON is a stringified hash, not an array. This is not the Rails default, you should add the root node yourself. React-Rails 2.4.x uses React 16+ which no longer has React Addons. Therefore the pre-bundled version of react no longer has an addons version, if you need addons still, there is the 2.3.1+ version of the gem that still has addons. React-Rails supports...
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  • 3


    Markup builder on gulp

    TARS is a builder for the modern frontend of any complexity, which is based on Gulp.js. It facilitates and accelerates the process of web development. TARS will be suitable for teams and individual developers. It solves the most routine cases associated with web development and brings you more pleasure from work. TARS is a framework for gulp, including a set of gulp-tasks. It allows for easy expansion (creating new tasks) and customization (modification of existing tasks), provides a...
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  • 4


    Normalizes nested JSON according to a schema

    Many APIs, public or not, return JSON data that has deeply nested objects. Using data in this kind of structure is often very difficult for JavaScript applications, especially those using Flux or Redux. Normalizr is a small, but powerful utility for taking JSON with a schema definition and returning nested entities with their IDs, gathered in dictionaries. Normalizr is built for various environments. Normalizr was originally created by Dan Abramov. Since v3, it was completely rewritten...
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  • Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN. Icon
    Deliver secure remote access with OpenVPN.

    Trusted by nearly 20,000 customers worldwide, and all major cloud providers.

    OpenVPN's products provide scalable, secure remote access — giving complete freedom to your employees to work outside the office while securely accessing SaaS, the internet, and company resources.
    Get started — no credit card required.
  • 5


    Vue plugin for work with local storage, session storage

    Vue plugin for work with local storage, session storage and memory storage from Vue context.
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  • 6


    Generate an app from JSON

    The MSON compiler allows you to generate apps from JSON. The ultimate goal of MSON is to allow anyone to develop software visually, but you can also use pieces of MSON to turbo charge your development. MSON is a subset of JSON and comprised of just a few building blocks, yet it is as powerful as its non-declarative counterparts. MSON supports validation, inheritance, composition, pub/sub, access control, templating and various other features. MSON is particularly useful in software...
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  • 7
    Flexjson is a lightweight library for serializing Java objects into JSON. What's different about Flexjson is it's control over what gets serialized allowing both deep and shallow copies of objects.
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  • 8
    JSON Form

    JSON Form

    Build forms from JSON Schema, easily template-able

    The JSON Form library is a JavaScript client-side library that takes a structured data model defined using JSON Schema as input and returns a Bootstrap 3-friendly HTML form that matches the schema. The generated HTML form includes client-side validation logic that provides direct inline feedback to the user upon form submission (provided a JSON Schema validator is available). If values are valid, the JSON Form library uses submitted values to create the JavaScript data structure that matches...
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  • 9


    Javascript bitcoin library for node.js and browsers

    Bcoin is an advanced fullnode implementation built with JavaScript/C/C++/Node.js. It is easier to use, faster to learn, and more well-documented than competing implementations. Engineered from the ground up to create scalable, flexible, and efficient production-ready systems with unparalleled code readability. Bcoin is consensus-conforming and adheres to the strict security standards of the original implementation maintained by Bitcoin Core. Bcoin can be integrated into almost any desktop or...
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 10


    Flow type linting rules for ESLint

    ... JavaScript comments to embed configuration information directly into a file. Use a JavaScript, JSON, or YAML file to specify configuration information for an entire directory and all of its subdirectories. This can be in the form of a .eslintrc.* file or an eslintConfig field in a package.json file, both of which ESLint will look for and read automatically, or you can specify a configuration file on the command line.
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  • 11


    Readwarf: a web reader & workstation

    Readwarf: a web reader & workstation
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  • 12


    Compress JSON into URL friendly strings

    This simple system allows for excellent compression of uri encoded JSON strings using the JSCrush algorithm.
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  • 13


    A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization

    A JavaScript library for internationalization and localization that leverage the official Unicode CLDR JSON data. The library works both for the browser and as a Node.js module. Each language, and the countries that speak that language, have different expectations when it comes to how numbers (including currency and percentages) and dates should appear. Obviously, each language has different names for the days of the week and the months of the year. But they also have different expectations...
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  • 14
    Basically Basic Jekyll Theme

    Basically Basic Jekyll Theme

    Your new Jekyll default theme

    Basically Basic is a Jekyll theme meant as a substitute for the default Minima, with a few enhancements thrown in for good measure. If you're running Jekyll v3.5+ and self-hosting you can quickly install the theme as a Ruby gem. If you're hosting with GitHub Pages you can install as a remote theme or directly copy all of the theme files (see structure below) into your project. Layouts, includes, Sass partials, and data files are all placed in their default locations. Stylesheets and scripts...
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  • 15


    Node server for dynamic, fake JSON

    Node server for dynamic, fake JSON. When developing client-side applications, often either static JSON files, or an actual server, backend, datastore, or API, is used. Sometimes static files are too static, and sometimes an actual server is not available, not accessible, or too tedious to set up.
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  • 16


    CLI tool for ensuring that a given script runs continuously

    ...-monitor. You can use forever to run scripts continuously (whether it is written in node.js or not). In addition to passing forever the path to a script (along with accompanying options, described above), you may also pass forever the path to a JSON file containing these options. The forever module exposes some useful methods to use in your code. Each method returns an instance of an EventEmitter which emits when complete.
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  • 17


    It is a Platform to connect to tryton (json-rpc) and is based on qt

    Thesa It is a Platform to connect to tryton (json-rpc) and is based on qt/qml libraries. Requires designing the interface of each Tab without having to touch the core. Tabs are created with qml files and can be loaded locally from a folder or from trytond using thesamodule ( Thesa's goal is to be able to combine tryton with Qt / Qml, for special cases such as using the opengl performance of qml2 Requirements: pyside2 5.12 or higher...
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  • 18


    HTML to PDF converter that uses phantomjs

    HTML to PDF converter that uses phantomjs. html-pdf can read the header or footer either out of the footer and header config object or out of the HTML source. You can either set a default header & footer or overwrite that by appending a page number (1 based index) to the id="pageHeader" attribute of an HTML tag. You can use any combination of those tags. The library tries to find any element, that contains the page header or pageFooter id prefix. The full options object gets converted to JSON...
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  • 19
    Turnout Response Systsem

    Turnout Response Systsem

    Enables QFES members to indicate their response to an incident

    TRS is a web-based system to facilitate the response to an incident by members of Rural and Auxiliary Fire Brigades and SES across Queensland. For Brigade Officers it allows them to quickly determine who will be responding to an incident so Firecom can be notified of a Brigade's response, and also provides the Officer a list at a glance of who is responding and when. For responders it provides a simple and safe mechanism for indicating their response without having to phone or SMS a...
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  • 20


    Simple chatbot UI for the Web with JSON scripting

    Simple chatbot UI for the Web with JSON scripting.
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  • 21


    Wrapper for PDF JS to add annotations

    FabricJS layer on top of Mozilla's PDFJS to add ANNOTATIONS. The exported file will be a PDF with a set of images. So you won't be able to use functions like text selections. trying my best to add the text layer. Due to a lack of PDFJs documentation about this section progress is very slow. If anyone is interested you can check the progress on the dev branch.
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  • 22
    Spectrum Savings Accounts

    Spectrum Savings Accounts

    Spectrum is a program that helps you manage your personal finances.

    Spectrum is a program that helps you manage your savings by letting you create virtual savings accounts. Spectrum also allows you to set up standing orders, change it's appearance, import/export accounts and many other things. Keep in mind that Spectrum is not a banking app. It is simply a way for you to keep track of your savings. Your account data is saved locally in a JSON file, so don't use Spectrum for any sensitive information. At the moment it is available in these languages: English...
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  • 23


    CrossUI is a free Cross-Browser Javascript framework

    Build fully interactive experiences codeless and serverless. Create code into Github repository directly. CrossUI No-Code App Builder enables anyone (no software developer required) to Create Interactive Apps Without Coding. Prototype, develop and package the exactly same code into Web Apps, Native Desktop (Windows, Linux and Mac) Apps, as well as Mobile Apps. Rich client-side API, works with any backend or static HTML pages. Web services (JSON/XML/SOAP) can be directly bound. More than 100...
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  • 24


    Transforms PDF, Documents and Images into Enriched Structured Data

    Parsr is an open-source document parsing tool that converts PDFs, scanned images, and other structured documents into structured, machine-readable data formats.
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  • 25
    Babel Plugin Root Import

    Babel Plugin Root Import

    Add the opportunity to import modules by the root path

    .... Typically this means you'll have import paths like ~/src/foo.js. You can change the prefix of "./" to e.g. "src" or "src/js" with this config option. By default everything is resolved relative to the current working directory. You can change this with the root config option. To use it effectively, you'll need to configure babel with one of the JavaScript config file variants, rather than JSON.
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