No Coin is a tiny browser extension aiming to block coin miners
A pure CSS library to beautify checkbox and radio buttons
GNOME Shell Extension TaskBar for GNOME 3.10 - 3.28
Drag and Drop basic webpage builder
Vector/webfont icon pack of your favourite cryptocurrencies
Plays music from Animal Crossing: New Leaf for each hour of the day.
Plugin performs preview of documents written in some markup languages.
Pristine Twitter app
Social Sign-In Buttons for Bootstrap draws network diagrams dynamically from a text file
Enjoy live editing (+markdown)
JavaScript file manager Material Design folder explorer
Minimal and flat design Redmine theme
One tag one icon, no font or svg, pure CSS
CSS for clean and fast web apps
A powerful tool to translate selected words (or sentences) to a wide r
Html Tree of Database table
A Google Maps extension that shows Labels In the Map Border (LIMBs).
Erlangen Learning Environment for Databases and SQL
Real-time data acquisition and visualization software
Easily open documents/files of any format you found on the web
A lightweight date picker plugin for jQuery