jQuery Validation Plugin library sources
The most advanced ad blocker for iOS
A web extension for Pixiv
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 admin dashboard template
A complete web-based remote monitoring and management web site
Super simple WYSIWYG editor
Cross-platform tool for switching between versions of Node.js
One for all free music in china (chrome extension)
HTTP web server index for Apache httpd, lighttpd and nginx
A better aria2 desktop frontend than AriaNg, containing all features
A modern web frontend making aria2 easier to use
1000+ Pixel-perfect vector icons and Iconfont for your next project
Playwright for Go a browser automation library to control Chromium
Cat scratch chrome resource sniffing extension
Scrobble music all around the web!
Text-based user interface CSS library
Drag and drop website builder javascript library
Vim bindings for the web by design
cnpm: npm client for China mirror of npm
Collect premium software in various categories
The Tiny JavaScript Game Engine That Can!
A curated collection of all country flags in SVG
Download a specific version of Node.js
Chat with LLM like Vicuna totally in your browser with WebGPU
SVG icons for popular brands