LazyLoad is a lightweight, flexible script that speeds up your website
The best HTTP Static File Server, write with golang+vue
ESLint plugin for Vue.js
Automate versioning and package publishing
Extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS
The Semantic-UI-React integration
Simple and elegant component-based UI library
The free computer aided translation (CAT) tool for professionals
sleek is a todo.txt manager, free and open-source (FOSS)
A lightweight Vue.js UI library with a simple API
A POI Icon Set
webbasierte Zeiterfassung
JUL Designer - a RAD tool for JavaScript
Atom snippets for a variety of icon fonts
Generate critical CSS for your web pages
Klipse is a JavaScript plugin for embedding interactive code snippets
A simple style and powerful selector, including ajax remote data
The fastest and most versatile JS EXIF reading library
Your new Jekyll default theme
Convert any image to pure CSS. Recreates images using only box-shadows
HTML to PDF converter that uses phantomjs
SVG patterns for data visualization
Minimal templating with {{mustaches}} in JavaScript
A react renderer for blessed
Content widget serves palindrome of the day on any website