Your Java Swing PDF Viewer/Reader cross platform
Debugging tool for bug hunting and performance tuning on smartphones
A JavaFX library to repaint your Applications window frame.
Your simple RTF editor completely in Java
Open Source Enterprise Content Management ECM
ILA is a fully customizable and teachable voice assistant for Java
A fast build tool for Android, an alternative to Instant Run
Collection of Mark lists from Mobile App and Print Progress Cards
Generating documents and reports, offline enabled and reliable.
Digital automated system for Taekwondo Scoring.
Periodic background tasks for React Native apps, cross-platform
Tracks IOS, Android, Windows, and Java Me/J2ME cell phones
Free DNS based Ad Blocker for Android
A Java gui for MP4Box
Android app for saving webpages for offline reading
An in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients
MStorage - storage for notes.
mass file renamer
OPEN PLATFORM FOR SEN APPS (subproject of Computer as Therapy)
Capturing screenshots, screen video, logcat, extract string ids
IT research and therapy in one piece.
RelaxChess, chess game that makes no search futher needed for a wow
Implementierung von ProLern für Android