Next generation AWS IoT Client SDK for C++ using AWS Common Runtime
Client library for using AWS IoT Shadow service on embedded devices
Client library for using AWS IoT Defender service on embedded devices
Next generation AWS IoT Client SDK for Python
Version 2 of the myFocuser Project
SCADA HMI for substations, IoT and automation applications
IoT Explorer is the best way to set up and connect your IoT devices (X
Realtime PC-based control and simulator of control systems
MQTT server for IOT written in Erlang
IOT Client of MQTT server written in Erlang
Connected GM Counter device (IoT) for radioactivity measure
Use DHT22 temperature / humidity sensor on NodeMCU (ESP8266) with MQTT
No BS Flashlight is SPYFREE, SAFE and works only as it's intended purp
Energy and environmental monitoring of the server room
Client SDK for the VeliSphere IoT System
A passive planet awaits one terribly impending water scarcity.