Makes a detailed count of your browser bookmarks by folder
Backup software for your data to local and remote SSH systems
Detects visual changes on websites and performs page health checks
An SSH Certificate Authority that runs as an AWS Lambda function
Python binding to the libindi library
Creating Scrapy scrapers via the Django admin interface
Jupyter notebook server extension to proxy web services.
Social Media Downloader
S3 file management tool with encryption
RSS and Atom feed agregator in desktop widgets + notifications
Twitter Intelligence OSINT project performs tracking and analysis
Security Monkey monitors AWS, GCP, OpenStack, and GitHub orgs
Web Scraping Framework
A powerful Spider(Web Crawler) system in Python
Easy podcast access in Linux, Android
A blog engine that does html and gopher
Ultra-minimalist Python/Mongo URL Shortner
A companion tool for updating Firefox bookmark favicons.
Pre-defined and easy to use Home-Assistant Image for raspberry pi
website software for holarse
Free, open-source IP scanner
RDF-based framework monitoring business systems activity
Multi user address book application accessable through the web.
Karellen Gevent Websocket Library
Open Source Intelligence Automation.