Open Source Social Network Kit written in PHP
A fully customizable CMS, with downloadable themes and add-ons
Simple Silex service provider for including the AWS SDK for PHP
A Web based Property Management Software for Property Estate Agents
PHP User Login and Management System based on Codeigniter
Create on demand disposable OpenVPN endpoints on AWS
El Sistema web de pedidos te ayudará a crear pedidos a proveedores
Web Mapping Platform
qxdotnet is a server side ASP.NET wrapper for qooxdoo library
Scratching the future now!
Yet Another DPWS Stack, a WS4D JMEDS fork (discontinued)
JAVA websocket implementation for a bomberman-like game
A free design for SPIP, which can be used by condominiums
Allow web server to serve files inside ZIP archive
Simple viewer app for most Booru Sites, coded in Qt C++
Joomla! component to track Boy Scout advancement.
A PHP class for creating graphs, plots, charts
OSX Browser History - a collection of scripts to dump browser history